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有些家长为子女的一些小毛病,往往到处求医问药,小病大治,乱投药石。甚至平时无病,也给吃“平安药”以来“保险”。其实,这些“平安药”吃下去并不平安。长期监用还危害孩子的健康,影响生长发育。科学研究证明,几乎所有的药物都有一定的副作用。例如小儿安是家庭常有用药,主要成份是磺胺,对治疗小儿肺炎、痢疾一类疾病都有一定疗效。但这种药被身体吸收后要从肾脏排出,如果滥用,损害肾脏,可发生少尿、尿血现象。就说中药,人们通常觉得是安全的、没有副作用,但临床中笔者就见过个别婴儿,由于服用至宝锭,妙灵丹等以朱砂为主的中药,造成类似汞中毒症状的实例。至宝锭含牛黄、麝香、冰片、附子、全蝎等药性较剧烈之品,长久服用,副作用是不言而喻的。再说著名中成药“六神丸”吧,它具有清热解毒的功效,对治疗猩红热、咽喉炎、化脓性扁桃体炎等有良好疗效,但服用过量会引起中毒反应,严重时会危及生命,故对体弱儿、消化不良儿宜慎用。 Some parents for their children some small problems, often seeking medical advice everywhere, minor illnesses, indiscriminate investment in medicine. Even usually no disease, but also to eat “safe medicine ” since “Insurance ”. In fact, these “safe medicine” to eat is not safe. Long-term monitoring also endanger the health of children, affecting growth and development. Scientific research shows that almost all drugs have some side effects. For example, pediatric safety is often used in the family medicine, the main ingredient is sulfa, for the treatment of children with pneumonia, dysentery, a class of diseases have a certain effect. However, this drug is absorbed by the body to be discharged from the kidneys, if abuse, damage to the kidneys, oliguria, hematuria may occur. When it comes to traditional Chinese medicine, people usually think it is safe and have no side effects. However, in clinical practice, the author has seen a few infants. Due to taking cinnabar-based traditional Chinese medicines such as precious spirits and wonderful miraculous dandan, cases similar to mercury poisoning symptoms are caused. Treasure tablets contain bezoar, musk, borneol, aconite, scorpion and other more drastic drugs, long-term use, side effects are self-evident. Besides the famous proprietary Chinese medicine “Liushen Wan”, it has the effect of clearing away heat and toxic materials and has good curative effect in the treatment of scarlet fever, pharyngitis and purulent tonsillitis. However, overdose can cause poisoning reaction and serious life-threatening Fragile children, indigestion should be used with caution.
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1979年9月24日至12月6日,国际电信联盟(以下简称“电联”)在日内瓦召开了世界无线电行政大会,讨论修改了国际《无线电 From September 24 to December 6, 1979, the Intern
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