Using Inductance as a Tuning Parameter for RF Meta-atoms

来源 :Nano-Micro Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kikuL
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The resonant frequency of metamaterials structured with split ring resonator(SRR) meta-atoms is determined primarily through the capacitance and inductance of the individual meta-atoms. Two designs that vary inductance incrementally were modeled, simulated, fabricated, and tested to investigate the role inductance plays in metamaterial designs. The designs consisted of strategically adding sections to the SRR to increase the inductance, but in a manner that minimized capacitance variations. Each design showed a shift in resonant frequency that was proportional to the length of the added section. As the length of each section was increased, the resonant frequency shifted from 2.78 GHz to 2.18 GHz. The resonant frequency of metamaterials structured with split ring resonator (SRR) meta-atoms is determined through the capacitance and inductance of the individual meta-atoms. Two designs that vary inductance incrementally were modeled, simulated, fabricated, and tested to investigate the role causing plays in metamaterial designs. The designs consisted of strategically adding sections to the SRR to increase the inductance, but in a manner that minimized capacitance variations. each design showed a shift in resonant frequency that was proportional to the length of the added section. As the length of each section was increased, the resonant frequency shifted from 2.78 GHz to 2.18 GHz.
阳光在窗外,挂了道晶莹闪亮、巨大无比的帘子。帘子上,绣着火红的石榴花、粉红的夹竹桃、洁白的广玉兰。我在窗内,开了太阳能的热水,仿佛撩了把阳光丝帘的流苏,唰唰唰,使劲冲涮着锅碗瓢盆,想把厨房弄得跟窗外的花儿一样洁净秀丽。  突然,我身后传来了女儿小红枣那脆甜脆甜的声音:  “妈妈,快闭上眼睛!”  哦,这小丫头,又想出什么别出心裁的玩法啦?  我微笑着闭上眼睛。  “快,把你的手给我!”  我又依言
这是最近发生的一件事。  一个平常的星期三的下午,好不容易挤上了公交车的我,疲惫地坐在經过一番“肉搏”才抢到的“宝座”上。真好!终于抢到了一个位子,我真幸运!“呼—”我舒服地伸了伸懒腰,舒缓着我那紧张疲惫的神经。  可是,坐了没多久,车上就上来了一位老太太。她满头银丝,饱经风霜的脸上挂着一丝笑容,显得和蔼可亲。她慢慢地走到车过道上,被拥挤的人群挤得满脸通红。  我把脸别过去。要不要给这位老太太让座