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目的:本研究在相关文献的基础上回顾性分析2012年在我院体检的南通地区30~59岁工厂女职工子宫颈癌前病变的发病情况,估计南通地区30~59岁女职工子宫颈癌前病变的发病率,及各年龄段妇女发病有无差异性,为南通地区妇女子宫颈癌预防及普查提供依据,也为该筛查方法的推广使用提供参考。方法临床检查可疑者行阴道镜检查,必要时进行阴道镜下子宫颈可疑病变部位活检,在其中随机选取合计30~59岁妇女2003例,根据活检的病理结果统计发病率,并将其以10岁为一个年龄段分为三组,比较各年龄段发病率有无差异性。结果本次抽取的2003例30~59岁妇女宫颈癌前病变的发病率为0.50%,30~39岁组为1.40%,40~49岁组为0.23%,50~59岁组为0.16%,30~39岁组高度病变的发病率为0.60%,40~49岁组为0.11%,50~59岁组为0.16%,30~39岁妇女发病率高于40~59岁妇女;高度病变的发病率三组相比未见显著差异性。结论本研究所用筛查方法可以以较低廉的成本,发挥较好的社会效益,达到较好的初筛目的。“,”Objective Based on the relevant literatures,we retrospective analysis cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in female workers between 30-59 years old of Nanton district,Jiangsu province in 2012,to learn into the situation about the local incidence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of relevant object,and the variability between workers of dif erent ages,to get the message of the relationship between cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and age,and to provide reference for prevention and mass screening of cervical cancer of local women,and through the statistics analysis of the screening data,to provide reference for the promotion and application of the screening method in this study. Methods: we carried out the clinical examination,taked colposcopy when suspecting of pathological change,and taked biopsy when necessary.Women were randomly selected 2,003 cases between 30-59 years old. According to the pathology results,we analysised the local incidence,and made the statistics analysis of the clinical examination results. And we defined the 2003 women into three groups according to age.through statistics analysis of every group,we compared the variability between every group of dif erent ages. Results:The cervical intraepithelial neoplasia incidence of women between 30-59 years old of this study is 0.50%.The incidence of dif erent age groups:the incidence of the 30-39 group is 1.40%,the 40-49 group is 0.23%,the 50-59 group is 0.16%. The women incidence of the 30-39 group is obviously higher than the 40-49 group and the of 50-59 group. The incidence of cervical high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion of the 30-39 group is 0.06%,the 40-49 group is 0.11%,the 50-59 group is 0.16%. The incidence of women between 30-39 years old is obviously higher than the incidence of women between 30-59 years old. There is no significant dif erence among the three groups about the incidence of cervical high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. Conclusions:The screening method used in this study compared with low cost play a relatively good social benefits to achieve relatively good purpose.