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广东省中国语言学会于2013年12月7~9日在广州中山大学举行2012-2013学术年会,本届年会参加者共94人,提交论文87篇,包括语言学研究的方方面面,会议气氛和谐团结、充满朝气。报告精彩纷呈,讨论热烈活跃,彰显开放、务实、多元的学术特色。中山大学党委书记郑德涛出席开幕式并致欢迎词,会长邵敬敏致开幕词,副会长张玉金致闭幕词。会议还 The Chinese Language Institute of Guangdong Province held the 2012-2013 Academic Annual Conference held at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou from December 7 to December 2013. 94 participants attended the conference, and 87 papers were submitted, covering all aspects of linguistics and the atmosphere of the conference Harmony and unity, full of vitality. The report is colorful and warmly discussed, highlighting the open, pragmatic and diverse academic features. Zheng Detao, party secretary of Sun Yat-sen University, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a welcome speech. President Shao Jingmin delivered the opening speech and Vice President Zhang Yujin delivered a closing speech. Meeting also
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1999年11月份我国外贸进出口总额达364亿美元 ,比去年同期(下同)增长32.4 % ,创1999年月度进出口最高纪录 ;其中出口195亿美元 ,增长28.8 % ,进口169亿美元 ,增长36.8 % ;当月实现贸易顺差26亿美元。1999年前11个月(下同
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