
来源 :中国核工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qywang88
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核工业的60年刚刚过去,新甲子开启。为了完成新一轮的产业布局,在2015年全国“两会”期间,核工业系统的代表、委员,纷纷就当前的核工业新态势建言献策,共议核工业百年大计。由于事关国计民生,核能也成为社会关注的常态热点话题。核工业也以更加开放的姿态,展示新时期新形象。审视“两会”核能传播热象,解读核工业核心话题,“本期关注”栏目特组织“透析两会核布局”专题,通过对核能热点传播现象 Nuclear industry for 60 years has just passed, the new Jia Zi open. In order to complete the new round of industrial layout, representatives and members of the nuclear industry system all made suggestions and suggestions on the current new situation of the nuclear industry during the “two sessions” of the “2015 National Congress” and jointly proposed a plan for a hundred years for the nuclear industry. Due to the national economy and the people’s livelihood, nuclear energy has also become the hot topic of social concern. The nuclear industry also displayed a new image in a new era with a more open attitude. Examine the “two sessions ” nuclear energy to spread the heat, read the core topics of the nuclear industry, “current concern ” section of the special organization “dialysis of the two sessions nuclear layout ” topic, through the phenomenon of nuclear energy hotspots
您知道这些动物另外的名字吗?请在括号内写出来。1.两条腿的老鼠叫( )2.没有腿的牛叫( )3.能爬墙的虎叫( )4.四只脚的蛇叫( )5.不吃草的马叫( )6.四只脚