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温州市苍南县一位农村中学校长用一首打油诗道出了现今校长的窘迫状态:“校长校长,一校之长;睡觉最迟,起身最早。责任重大,没完没了。”人们不禁要问:校长忙什么呢?一、校长的现实工作1.忙安全校长是学校安全的第一责任人,如果学校安全出了问题,校长就要负责。校长对于安全这根弦绷得很紧,压力也很大,因为“安全重于泰山”。因此,安全工作天天讲、周周讲、月月讲,周周排查、月月上报、年年总结。校长要不断强调“看好自 A rural middle school principal in Cangnan County, Wenzhou City, used a poem to express the embarrassed status of current principals: ”The principal is the headmaster of a school; the youngest is sleeping and you get up earliest. To ask: What is the principal busy? First, the real work of the principal 1. Busy safety Principals are the first responsible for school safety, if the school safety problems, the principal should be responsible. Principal for safety this string taut tight, the pressure is also great, because “safety is heavier than Taishan ”. Therefore, the security work every day say Zhou weeks talk about the moon and the moon weekly investigation, monthly reports, summed up annually. Principals should continue to emphasize "optimistic about self
弓形虫病是全球广泛分布、对人类造成严重危害的人兽共患病。多见于艾滋病患者和肿瘤病人 ,而先天性弓形体病可导致流产、早产、畸胎、死胎等。因此 ,弓形虫病的防治和早期诊
癫癎是一种常见的神经系统慢性疾病,反复的癫癎发作、长期服药、社会歧视等给患者身心造成极大的伤害,也是导致患者生活质量(quality oflife,QOL)下降的重要因素[1,2]。成人
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自人类开始借助武器解决争端以来,矛与盾就变成了进攻与防御的象征。而自坦克问世以来,坦克防护与反坦克武器之间的较量就始终是陆军作战关注的焦点。 Since mankind began
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Goals: To evaluate the need for on-demand treatment with proton pump inhibito r in patients with endoscopy-negative GERD.Background: Studies indicate that on -d