Lignocellulose as an insoluble fiber source in poultry nutrition:a review

来源 :畜牧与生物技术杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wokaoyan123
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Extensive research in recent years into the use of various fiber sources in poultry nutrition has led to the perception that dietary fiber is more than a simple diet diluent. Several studies showed that the feeding of insoluble fiber sources such as oat hulls, sunflower hulls or wood shavings may affect digestive physiology and function improving chickens health and growth performance. In this context, the effect of lignocellulose as an insoluble dietary fiber source is increasingly being investigated. Lignocellulose is a component of plant cell walls and consists mainly of the insoluble carbohydrate polymers cellulose and hemicelluloses as well as the phenolic polymer lignin. Lignocellulose is chemically and physicochemically different from other insoluble fiber sources and thus possibly has different effects on poultry compared to traditional fiber sources. Several studies investigated the effect of dietary lignocellulose on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, gastrointestinal tract development and intestinal microbiota in broilers and laying hens. Studies differed in terms of feed formulation and lignocellulose inclusion level as well as products of different suppliers were used. The results obtained are inconsistent;beneficial, indifferent or detrimental effects of feeding lignocellulose were observed, so that a final assessment of lignocellulose as a“novel”insoluble fiber source is difficult. This review article summarizes the results of studies in connection with the feeding of lignocellulose to poultry, compares them with those that have used other insoluble fiber sources and illuminates the possible mechanisms of action.
自2017年农业部(现农业农村部)启动生猪屠宰标准化创建工作以来,各省市高度重视生猪屠宰标准化创建,按照“六化”要求进行提质增效和转型升级(改造提升),即质量管理制度化、厂区环境清洁化、设施设备标准化、生产经营规范化、检测检验科学化和排放处理无害化,严格执行法律法规和相关标准,加快屠宰企业标准化建设,加强屠宰行业管理规范,经各省级畜牧兽医主管部门按照 《生猪屠宰标准化创建验收标准》验收评定后,成功创建的标准化厂具有引领示范带动作用.