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早就听说林泽荣很有人格魅力,同行们提起他,都盛赞他热心公益事务,因此在珠海市组建行业协会时,他被举为珠海市物业管理协会的副会长。珠海之行,我有幸见到了林泽荣,并被他办公室里一幅遒劲有力的名家题字——“精神”所吸引,通过谈话我对林泽荣多了一份感性的认识。 谈话是围绕着“精神”这两个字展开的,他说,我喜欢谈精神,我认为不论做人做事都要体现一种精神,做人要积极向上、敢于拼搏,做事要百折不挠、敢于挑战;随着谈话的深入,我进一步了解了林泽荣,也让我对珠海市房产物业管理有限公司这个物业品牌的形象逐渐清晰起来。企业改制显精神 珠海市房产物业管理有限公司成立于1997年,在2000年进行了改制,是珠海较早成功改制的国有物业企业之一.由于在国企时效益并不好,许多人对企业改制的前途充满疑虑,林泽荣凭着“敢为天下先”的魄力和精神,凭着百折不挠的韧劲,带领公司员工齐心协力,硬是把原来的一家亏损企业改造成为盈利单位,使企业走上一条健康发展之路。改制后,公司在林泽荣带领下大 Long heard of Lin Zerong very charismatic, colleagues mentioned him, praised his enthusiasm for public welfare, so in the formation of industry associations in Zhuhai, he was promoted to vice president of Zhuhai Property Management Association. Zhuhai trip, I was fortunate enough to see Linze Rong, and his office was a powerful writer inscription - “spirit” attracted by talking to me more of a sensual Lin Zerong understanding. The conversation revolves around the words “spirit.” He said that I like to talk about the spirit. I do not think anyone should behave in a spirit of being a man, and he must be active and bold in his work. With more in-depth conversation, I learned more about Lin Ze-Rong and made my image of Zhuhai Real Estate Property Management Co., Ltd. a real estate brand clear. Zhuhai Municipal Real Estate Property Management Co., Ltd. was established in 1997 and restructured in 2000. It is one of the state-owned property enterprises successfully restructured in Zhuhai earlier. Due to the poor profitability of state-owned enterprises, many people are not familiar with the restructuring of enterprises Is full of doubts, Lin Zerong with “courage for the world,” the courage and spirit, perseverance with perseverance and lead the staff work together, just the original loss-making enterprises into a profit unit, so that enterprises embarked on a healthy development the road. After the restructuring, the company led by Lin Zerong large
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