
来源 :中学生英语·高三版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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  1. (1) Excuse me. But it’s time to have yourtemperature___________.
   A. taking B. to be taken
   C. take D. taken
   (2) Why do you have the lights ___________ all night?
   A. burn B. to burn
   C. burning D. burned
  2. (1) Alice could do nothing but___________her young son.
   (2) Alice has no choice but___________ heryoung son.
   A. look after B. looked after
   C. to look after D. looking after
  3. (1) When I got home, I found the gas burning but the door remained ___________ .
   A. locking B. locked
   C. to lock D. lock
   (2) Choosing a trip abroad is, of course, good for many young couple. But it remains ___________ whether they will
   appreciate it.
   A. to see B. seeing
   C. see D. to be seen
  4. (1) Little Jim should love ___________ to thetheatre this evening.
   A. to be taken B. to take
   C. being taken D. taking
   (2) Little Jim found that he really loved___________ all kinds of magic story.
  A. to be read B. reading
   C. read D. to read
  5. (1) ___________dark now, we had to stay in the village for night.
   (2) ___________dark now, so we had to stay inthe village for night.
   A. It was getting B. It getting
   C. Getting D. Being getted
  6. (1) Li Yong made up his mind to devote all he could ___________his oral English before going abroad.
   A. improve B. to improve
   C. improving D. to improving
   (2) The excellent doctor has done all he could ___________ the dying patient.
   A. to treat B. treat
   C. treating D. treated
  7. (1) ___________ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.
   (2) ___________with the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean doesn’t seem big atall.
   A. When compared
   B. When being compared
   C. When comparing
   D. When having compared
  8. (1) The missing boy was last seen___________near the West Lake.
   A. playing B. play
   C. played D. to play
   (2) The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ___________the nextyear.
   A. carry out B. carrying out
   C. carried out D. to carry out
  9. (1) I’m going to Wuhan this weekend. Do you have anything ___________ to your aunt?
   A. taken B. to take
   C. taking D. to be taken
   (2) You are going to Wuhan this weekend.Do you have anything ___________ to youraunt?
   A. take B. to take
   C. taking D. to be taken
  10. (1) The news reporters hurried to the airport, only ___________the film stars hadleft.
  (2) Alice returned from the manager’soffice ___________ me that the boss wanted to see me at once.
   A. to tell B. to be told
   C. told D. telling
  11. (1) He had to speak loud in the lecture in order to make himself___________.
   A. hear B. hearing
   C. to hear D. heard
   (2) His cheerful joking made us ___________ our tireness.
   A. forget B. forgot
   C. to forget D. forgetting
  12. (1) The whole class went to plant trees the other day ___________ the teacher.
  (2) The whole class went to plant trees the other day, the teacher ___________ .
   A. included B. including
   C. contained D. containing
  13. (1) Have you seen the girl ___________ in thecorner?
   A. sit B. sitting
   C. seat D. seating
  (2) Did you notice the girl ___________ in thecorner?
   A. sit B. satC. seatedD. seating
  14. (1) The book is worth ___________ .
   A. to read
   B. to be read
   C. reading
   D. being read
  (2) Your suggestions are worthy ___________ .
  A. to consider B. to be considered
  C. of considering D. considering
  15. (1) Tom can’t help ___________ the roombecause she’s busy with her homework.
   A. to clean B. cleaning
   C. cleaned D. being cleaned
   (2) While shopping, many people, especially woman, sometimes can’t help ___________into buying something they don’t really need.
  A. to persuade B. persuading
  C. being persuaded D. be persuaded
  16. (1) Why do you consider___________ your jobwhen you have got a good one?
   A. to change B. change
   C. changing D. changed
  (2) Charles Babbage is generallyconsidered ___________ the first computer.
  A. to have invented
  B. inventing
  C. to invent
   D. having invented
   17. (1) There is a new problem involved inthe popularity of private cars thatroad conditions need ___________ .
   A. to be improved B. to improve
   C. improved D. improve
  (2) With everything he needed___________ ,he left the supermarket.
   A. to buy B. having bought
   C. buy D. bought
  18. (1) Can you tell me the way you thought of ___________ the garden?
   A. take care of
   B. to take care of
   C. taking care of
   D. how to take care of
   (2) We are thinking of ___________ France forour holiday but we’ve not decided forcertain yet.
  A. how to go to B. to go to
  C. going to D. go to
  19. (1) A cook will be immediately fired if heis found ___________ in the kitchen.
   A. smoke B. smoking
   C. to smoke D. smoked
  (2) It was getting dark; I found a car ___________ in a pool by the side of the road.
   A. to be stuck B. stuck
   C. sticking D. stick
  20. (1) Passing the entrance examination means___________into college.
   A. being admitted B. admitting
   C. to admit D. admitted
   (2) He means ___________ next bus to pay a visit to his grandmother.
   A. take B. taking
   C. to take D. took
  21. (1) With a lot of difficult problems___________, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.
  (2) With a lot of difficult problems___________, the newly-elected president have been arranged to visit some Asian countries.
  A. settled B. settling
   C. to settle D. being settled
  22. (1) The program was so exciting that the children kept their eyes ___________ on the screen.
  A. to fix B. to be fixed
  C. fixed D. fixing
  (2) I’m sorry but I kept you ___________ so long in such a cold day.
  A. wait B. to wait
  C. waited D. waiting
  23. (1) Some teachers find it no use ___________ their students too much knowledge inclass.
   (2) If ___________ more attention, the treecould have grown better.
   A. given B. to give
   C. giving D. having given
  24. (1) Which do you enjoy ___________ your weekend, fishing or watching footballmatch?
  A. spending B. spent
  C. to spend D. being spent
  (2) Every time he stepped into the library,he always enjoy ___________ some books on political theory.
   A. choosing B. choose
   C. to choose D. being chosen
  25. (1) ___________ the soldiers well prepared forthe flood fight, the general nodded withsatisfaction.
   (2) ___________from the top of the highest building, the Hanjiang River looks more beautiful than usual.
   A. Seen B. Seeing
   C. To see D. Being seen
This paper presents a study on effects of carburized parts on residual stresses of thin-rimmed spur gears with symmetric web arrangements due to the case-carbur