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红薯膨大素是河南省农科院情报所、江苏淮阴教育学院、河南省生物研究所共同研制的一种植物生长调节剂与微肥复配方剂。它能增强茎叶光合作用,提高叶绿素含量,加速代谢酶的活化和有机物质的运转,促进根系发达、薯块膨大,增加薯块数和单株薯重,改进红薯品质,是提高红薯产量有效途径。红薯膨大素从1988年起,曾先后在河南省的30多个县试验、示范,一般增产15%-30%。1991年全省示范推广30多万亩,取得了显著的经济效益。据测算,其投人与产出比高达1∶60。1.沾根:每亩用红薯膨大素一包(15克),倒入盛有5公斤清水的容器内,再加入10公斤的细干粘土(最好是耕作层下的老土),搅拌成糊状,然后将薯苗基部2-3节沾上泥浆栽插。2.叶面喷施:每亩用红薯膨大素一包(15克),倒入盛有30公斤清水的容器中,搅拌至溶解,用洁净的喷雾器于红薯膨大期 Sweet potato enlargement is Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences intelligence, Jiangsu Huaiyin Institute of Education, Henan Institute of Biology jointly developed a plant growth regulator and fertilizer compound prescription. It can enhance the photosynthesis of stems and leaves, increase the content of chlorophyll, accelerate the activation of metabolic enzymes and the operation of organic matter, promote the development of root system, enlarge the tubers, increase the tuber number and weight per plant, improve the quality of sweet potatoes, way. Sweet potato enlargement since 1988, has worked in more than 30 counties in Henan Province test, demonstration, the general increase of 15% -30%. In 1991, more than 300,000 mu of demonstration and promotion were held in the whole province and remarkable economic benefits have been achieved. It is estimated that its input and output ratio up to 1:60.1. Zhan root: sweet potato bulky sugar per acre with a bag (15 grams), poured into a container filled with 5 kg of water, then add 10 kg of fine Dried clay (preferably the old soil under the tillage layer), stir into a paste, then the base of the potato seedlings 2-3 stained with mud planted. 2. foliar spray: sweet potato bulky fry with a packet (15 grams), poured into a container filled with 30 kg of water, stirring until dissolved, with a clean sprayer in the sweet potato swollen
荔枝蒂蛀虫(Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley)是为害荔枝和龙眼的重要害虫,主要以幼虫钻蛀荔枝果核,造成落果或严重影响果实的质量,也蛀食花穗的花梗和嫩梢叶脉,造成花叶干枯,
目的 :探讨中药熏洗联合耳穴压豆对中风后失眠患者的护理疗效观察.方法 :选择2017年1月—2017年12月我院收治的60例中风后失眠患者,根据随机数字表法,分为观察组(31例)及对照