Effects of tea polyphenols on hepatic fibrosis in rats with alcoholic liver disease

来源 :Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:judas8023
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BACKGROUND: As an anti-oxidation agent, tea polyphe- nols may have the effect of anti-fibrosis. This study was de- signed to observe the effect of tea polyphenols on hepatic fi- brosis in rats with alcoholic liver disease and to explore the related mechanisms. METHODS: Sixty healthy Sprague-Dawley rats were divided randomly into normal control group, single alcohol group, and three alcohol groups given different doses of tea poly- phenols. Alcohol or isovolumic normal saline and corre- sponding doses of tea polyphenols were given daily to the rats separately. The rats were sacrificed at the end of the 24th week. Masson staining was performed to observe liver fibrosis, serum endotoxin, and oxidant and anti-oxidant activity. RESULTS: Hepatic fibrosis was less severe in the rats of the alcohol groups given tea polyphenols than in the single al- cohol group. Tea polyphenols increased the serum anti- oxidant capacity and decreased the endotoxin level. CONCLUSION: Tea polyphenols show anti-fibrosis effect in rats with alcoholic liver disease, and the mechanism may be related to the clearance of overall oxidant and decrease of the endotoxin level. (Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int 2004; 3: 577 BACKGROUND: As an anti-oxidation agent, tea polyphe- nols may have the effect of anti-fibrosis. This study was de- signed to observe the effect of tea polyphenols on hepatic fi- brosis in rats with alcoholic liver disease and to explore the Related mechanisms. METHODS: Sixty healthy Sprague-Dawley rats were divided randomly into normal control group, single alcohol group, and three alcohol groups given different doses of tea poly- phenols. Alcohol or isovolumic normal saline and corre- sponding doses of tea polyphenols were Given daily to the rats separately. The rats were sacrificed at the end of the 24th week. Masson staining was performed to observe liver fibrosis, serum endotoxin, and oxidant and anti-oxidant activity. RESULTS: Hepatic fibrosis was less severe in the rats of The alcohol groups given tea polyphenols than in the single al- cohol group. Tea polyphenols increased the serum anti- oxidant capacity and decreased the endotoxin level. CONCLUSION: Tea polyphenols show anti-f Ibrosis effect in rats with alcoholic liver disease, and the mechanism may be related to the clearance of overall oxidant and decrease of the endotoxin level. (Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int 2004; 3: 577
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