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由于种植面积增加,预计2012/13榨季国内产糖1300万~1330万t,比2011/12榨季同期增加150万t以上。2013年第1季度国内糖价持续下跌,为保障糖厂和糖农的利益,国家已实行了收储底价为6100元/t的150万t的临时收储,并加大对走私糖的打击力度,由于国际食糖市场供给过剩,本次收储对糖价的支撑作用有限,现货和期货价格均跌至5500元/t以下。国际上,2012/13榨季除印度外其他食糖主产国几乎全部增产,全球食糖将连续第3个榨季供给过剩,国际糖价已处于极低水平,显著的国内外价差促使中国食糖进口量大幅增长。在国内供给过剩、国内外糖价倒挂和国内经济增速放缓的背景下,未来收储对国内糖价的支撑作用将较为有限。 As the acreage increases, it is estimated that the domestic production of sugar in the 2012/13 crop season will be 13 million to 13.3 million tons, an increase of over 1.5 million tons over the same period in the 2011/12 crop season. In the first quarter of 2013, domestic sugar prices continued to fall. To protect the interests of sugar mills and sugar farmers, the country has implemented a temporary reserve of 1.5 million tons for the reserve price of 6,100 yuan / t and intensified its crackdown on smuggled sugar Due to the excess supply in the international sugar market, the support for the purchase and storage of sugar is limited. Both the spot and futures prices have fallen below RMB5,500 / t. Internationally, during the 2012/13 crop season, almost all of the major sugar producing countries except India have all increased their output. Global sugar will supply surplus for the third consecutive crop season. The international sugar price has been at a very low level. Significant domestic and international spreads have prompted the import of Chinese sugar Significant increase in volume. Against the backdrop of over-supply in the domestic market, the upside-down of sugar prices both at home and abroad and the slowdown of domestic economic growth, the supporting role of purchasing and storage on domestic sugar prices will be limited in the future.
转型期中国对外直接投资(Outward Foreign Direct Investment,OFDI)地域分布特征不能被传统OFDI理论所解释。中国OFDI存量高度集中于避税地,地域分布格局偏离发展中国家常规,