Application of Energy Efficiency Optimization Technology in Steel Industry

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ellen719420908
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It’s systematically analyzed that energy efficiency optimization technology has been applied in the field of steel industry. The fundamental principal of energy optimization technology is reasonably matching the quality and price of energy as well as energy-dominated systematic energy efficiency management system. Specific measures of energy optimization have been put forward, which include taking high efficiency utilized technology such as energy saving from the original, the production process and recycling of waste heat and waste energy etc., integrating and configuring energy in an optimized way of high efficiency and excellent quality, fully realizing the function of different energy in order to optimize the utilization sequence of energy, and improving the energy medium system by themselves. Finally it is clearly pointed out that the steel industry should pay more consideration about the great deal of energy system which they have used now and an ideal energy evaluation methodology and standard should be built as soon as possible if they want to take full usage of the real role and function of energy in all aspects. It’s systematically analyzed that energy efficiency optimization technology has been applied in the field of steel industry. The fundamental principal of energy optimization technology is reasonably matching the quality and price of energy as well as energy-dominated systematic energy efficiency management system. optimization have been put forward, which include taking energy efficient from the original, the production process and recycling of waste heat and waste energy etc., integrating and configuring energy in an optimized way of high efficiency and excellent quality, fully realizing the function of different energy in order to optimize the utilization sequence of energy, and improving the energy medium system by themselves. Finally it is clearly pointed out that the steel industry 应付 more consideration about the great deal of energy system which they have used now and an ideal energy evaluation methodolo gy and standard should be built as soon as possible if they want to take full usage of the real role and function of energy in all aspects.
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语文课中的活动归根结底就是尽量让学生的多种感官动起来,让他们随着课堂教学内容主动的动口、动眼、动耳、动手、动脑、动情,而且动得有价 In the final analysis, the act