
来源 :中华武术(研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:and
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武术是中华民族特有的传统体育项目,具有数千年的悠久历史,是中华民族的优秀文化遗产,也是世界体育文化的重要组成部分。其韵含健身、防身等功能为一体的运动受到世界各国人民的青睐。本文采用文献资料法、综合分析法、逻辑分析法,对阻碍武术入奥存在的因素进行分析归纳,认为武术自身发展内容过于庞杂;代表中华武术入奥的项目过于单一,仅限于竞赛套路;评分规则可操作性不强;中西文化差异;武术传播普及受到局限性制约及奥林匹克瘦身计划等方面的制约。针对中国武术国际化进程中必须解决的问题,制定出相对简洁、可操作性强,适应现代竞技比赛的竞赛规则,提出相关的建议,采取有效的措施,使武术能够以自己的方式和自己的文化特色走进奥运会,走向世界,实现武术世界化,让世人共享中国传统武术文化是历代武术人共同努力的目标。 Wushu is a traditional Chinese sports unique sport, has a long history of thousands of years, is the Chinese nation’s outstanding cultural heritage, but also the world’s sports culture is an important part. Its rhyme with fitness, self-defense and other functions as one of the sports by the people of all countries in the world of all ages. This article uses literature, comprehensive analysis and logical analysis to analyze and summarize the factors that hinder the entry of Wushu. According to the analysis, the content of martial arts development is too complicated. The projects that represent Chinese martial arts into the Olympics are too simple and are limited to competition routines. The rules are not operable; cultural differences between China and the West; the popularity of martial arts is constrained by limitations and the Olympic weight-loss programs and other constraints. In view of the problems that must be solved in the process of internationalization of Wushu in China, the contest rules which are relatively simple, maneuverable and adapt to modern competitions are formulated, relevant suggestions are put forward, and effective measures are taken to make Wushu use its own methods and own Cultural characteristics into the Olympic Games, to the world, the realization of the world of martial arts, so that the world can share the Chinese traditional martial arts culture is the goal of all previous generations of martial arts people work together.
摘要:本文结合后张法预应力混凝土桥梁的施工工艺,阐述了混凝土桥梁的施工工艺,着重阐述了施工的技术。后张法预应力是当前桥梁工程施工的过程中最常使用的,但是在进行施工的过程中,必须要按照施工工艺的要求进行,才能全面的确保后张法在桥梁工程中的不断应用,实现其双收益。  关键词:后张法预应力;混凝土;桥梁施工  中图分类号:TV331文献标识码: A  前言  后张法预应力混凝土桥梁的结构不会受到季节的影
摘要:随着我国经济的腾飞,社会的不断进步,科学技术的飞速发展,人们对居住环境及居住质量也提出了更高的要求,住宅装饰装修市场也得到了不断扩展。本文主要对建筑装修施工技术管理相关问题进行了简要分析。  关键词:建筑工程;装饰装修;技术管理  中图分类号:TU198文献标识码: A   引言:  随着装修市场的发展,装修行业的前景也变得越来越开阔。但也可以看到,目前装饰行业内鱼龙混杂,恶意竞争、以次充好
Nitrogenation of La_(0.5)Pr_(0.5)Fe_(11.4)Si_(1.6) with a particle size of 100-150 μm was performed in a high-purity N_2atmosphere of 40 MPa.La_(0.5)Pr_(0.5)Fe