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据国家权威部门统计,因为电气原因引起的火灾占所有火灾的30%;以耗用相同的电量比较,我国触电死亡的人数是发达国家的几十倍,甚至上百倍,其中多半发生在住宅内;据中科协对市场所作调查发现,目前市场上销售的移动插座板只有一成质量合格;绝大多数购房者入住后没有拿到住宅电气布线图,这意味着将来的电路检查和维修将极其困难。家居生活中,我们每天都在用电,家中的配电成为住宅安全的重要一环,对它的忽视会为我们的生活埋下安全隐患。目前,许多人在购买新房时,考虑最多的是价格、环境、交通、物业管理、子女入学等方面,却忽视了对住宅电气火灾隐患的了解。俗话说“水火无情”。当购买或装修住房时,请您一定要事先向有关人员咨询一下电气线路配置方面的问题,把其作为装修的一个要素。否则一旦发生事故,追悔莫及。 为此,特辑此文,以提醒广大读者:日常生活别忘用电安全! According to the statistics of the state authority, the fire caused by electrical accidents accounts for 30% of all fires. Compared with the same electricity consumption, the number of electrocution in our country is several times or even a hundred times that of developed countries, most of which occurred in residential buildings ; According to the Association for Science and Technology conducted a survey on the market found that currently on the market for mobile plug-in board only 10% qualified; the vast majority of home buyers did not get the residential wiring plans, which means that the future of the circuit inspection and maintenance will Extremely difficult. In our domestic life, we use electricity every day. The power distribution in the home is an important part of residential security. The neglect of it will lay a safety hazard for our life. At present, many people think about the price, environment, transportation, property management and children’s admission when purchasing a new home. However, they have neglected to understand the potential of electric fire in residential buildings. As the saying goes “no fire and water.” When buying or renovating your home, be sure to check with the person concerned beforehand about the electrical wiring configuration as an element of your decoration. Otherwise, in the event of an accident, regrettable. To this end, special edition of this article to remind readers: daily life do not forget to use electrical safety!
文章介绍某水库存在的主要问题,并提出了相应的加固方案。 This article introduces the main problems existing in a reservoir and proposes corresponding reinforcemen
很多洗衣机具有强洗和弱洗功能。虽然它是根据不同需要而设计的,但权衡利弊,笔者以为多用强洗为好。 所谓强洗和弱洗的区别并非体现在洗洁度上,而是区别于运转方式,强洗是指
其一,多学画理,多临范画。这是解决有的老年学员学画眼高手低的关键。我认为要多翻书,多学画理,并从自己遇到的问题着手,在书本中找答案,用理論指导实践。同时还要经常看一些历史书画名作,多参加各种书画展览,临摹范画一定要选名人的作品,这样才能不断提高自己的审美能力和综合绘画能力。  其二,要在笔墨运用上多下功夫。国画又称水墨画,水和墨是国画的灵魂。现代国画一般都用色彩,所以水、墨、彩和笔的掌握与应用是学