创建桂林现代文化名城 为文化广西打造亮丽名片

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最近,自治区党委、政府作出建设文化广西和建设文化先进省(区)的决定。这是自治区党委顺应时代发展潮流,实践“三个代表”重要思想,落实科学发展观,实现富民兴桂新跨越的重大战略决策。桂林作为广西文化大市、历史文化名城,多年来文化建设在广西各市中一直处于领先地位,理应走在建设文化广西的前列,为建设文化广西探索路子、总结经验贡献力量,为建设文化广西打造亮丽名片。一、丰厚的文化底蕴、经济的持续快速健康发展,为桂林创建现代文化名城提供了良好条件 Recently, the party committee and government of the autonomous region have made the decision of building a culture of Guangxi and building an advanced province of culture (district). This is a major strategic decision made by the party committees of the autonomous region in complying with the trend of development of the times, practicing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ implementing the scientific concept of development and realizing the new leap forward in benefiting the people and bringing benefits to the outside world. As a cultural city of Guangxi and a famous historical and cultural city, Guilin has been in the leading position in various cities in Guangxi for many years. Guilin should take a leading position in building a culture of Guangxi. Guilin should make its own contribution to building a culture of Guangxi Bright business card. First, the rich cultural heritage, sustained, rapid and healthy economic development, Guilin create a modern city of culture to provide a good condition
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