Study on the Extraction Technology of Essential Oils from Glechoma longituba(Nakai) Kupr

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tang070932
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[Objective]To confirm the optimum extraction technology of essential oils from Glechoma longituba ( Nakai) Kupr on a pressure azeotropic distillation device. [Method]Taking the yield of essential oils as index,L9( 34) orthogonal test designed with 4 factors including soaking time ( A) ,solid-liquid ratio ( B) ,extraction time ( C) and NaCl concentration ( D) of each 3 levels was carried out to optimize the extraction technology of essential oils from G. longituba. [Result]The optimum technology for extracting essential oils from G. longituba was as follows: soaking time of 6 h,solid-liquid ratio of 1∶16 g/ml,extraction time of 4 h,and NaCl concentration of 0,under which the yield of essential oils could reach 0.03%. [Conclusion]The method is reliable,rapid and accurate,which could be used to extract essential oils from G. longituba. [Objective] To confirm the optimum extraction technology of essential oils from Glechoma longituba (Nakai) Kupr on a pressure of azeotropic distillation device. [Method] Taking the yield of essential oils as index, L9 (34) time (A), solid-liquid ratio (B), extraction time (C) and NaCl concentration (D) of each 3 levels were carried out to optimize the extraction technology of essential oils from G. longituba. [Result] The optimum technology for extracting essential oils from G. longituba was as follows: soaking time of 6 h, solid-liquid ratio of 1:16 g / ml, extraction time of 4 h, and NaCl concentration of 0, under which the yield of essential oils could reach 0.03%. [Conclusion] The method is reliable, rapid and accurate, which could be used to extract essential oils from G. longituba.
[Objective] To study the ultrasonic extraction technology of sterol from the rhizome of Begonia grandis Dry. subsp. sinensis ( A. DC. ) Irmsch. .[Method]In this
例1,男,24岁。因鼻衄、龈血、皮下瘀斑7d 于1994年1月10日入院。体检:贫血貌,双下肢大小不等瘀斑,心肺(一),浅表淋巴结及肝脾未触及。Hb90g/L,BPC45×10~9/L,WBC11.6×10~9/
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