
来源 :中财法律评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Gempin
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我国《保险法》第60条第二款规定了保险代位权制度,即被保险人可将追偿权转给保险公司,保险公司先行垫付赔偿款,再向肇事方追偿。保险实践中的代位追偿的基本前提是事故本身已构成保险责任,保险人先行向被保险人赔付,再向侵权人进行追偿。无论事故责任如何认定,保险人均应先向被保险人赔付后再向相关责任方追偿,这将是保险业发展的一种趋势。因此,宜将《保险法》第60条作为强行性规范来理解。 Paragraph 2 of Article 60 of the Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of China stipulates the system of insurance subrogation, in which the insured person may transfer the right of recovery to the insurance company. The insurance company advances the compensation money first and then recovers to the perpetrator. The basic prerequisite for subrogation in insurance practice is that the accident itself has constituted the insurance liability, and the insurer pays the insured first and then recovers to the infringer. Regardless of how to determine the responsibility of the accident, the insurer should pay the insured to compensate the relevant responsible parties, which will be a trend of development of the insurance industry. Therefore, Article 60 of the Insurance Law should be understood as a compulsory standard.
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