Crevice Corrosion of K60 in Dry Desertification Saline Soil

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rdx200901as
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Corrosion products of K60crevice samples which were buried in Ordos area were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction.The result showed that,the corrosion potential decreased differently in the crevice and a maximum negative existed at the bottom side;with pH value reduced,the dissolved oxygen was nearly exhausted in the crevice.When the opening side of the coupons was coupled with each other,the crevice corrosion in the crevice might be accelerated and the pH value gradually reduced;however,the oxygen was not completely exhausted.The unbalanced current density between anode and cathode was the main cause of blocked self-catalysis effect in the crevice,and was also the main cause of corrosion of alloys.Lumpy corrosion happened on the surface of metal,and rusty layer was composed of Fe3O4,Fe2O3,FeO,FeOOH and FeS which distributed in the opening of crevice.There were the reddish-brown corrosion products and white matter which distributed in the form of filiform and spotted in the center part of crevice.The analysis showed that the white matter might include oxide of Fe and NaHCO3. Corrosion products of K60crevice samples which were buried in Ordos area were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The result showed that, the corrosion potential decreased differently in the crevice and a maximum negative existed at the bottom side; with pH value reduced , the dissolved oxygen was nearly exhausted in the crevice. When the opening side of the coupons was coupled with each other, the crevice might be accelerated and the pH value gradually reduced; however, the oxygen was not completely exhausted.The unbalanced current density between anode and cathode was the main cause of blocked self-catalysis effect in the crevice, and was also the main cause of corrosion of alloys. Lumpy corrosion happened on the surface of metal, and rusty layer was composed of Fe3O4, Fe2O3 , FeO, FeOOH and FeS which distributed in the opening of crevice. There were the reddish-brown corrosion products and white matter which distributed in the form of filiform and spotted in the center part of crevice. The analysis showed that the white matter might include oxide of Fe and NaHCO3.
患者 ,女 ,2 4岁 ,于 1996年 8月 2 0日 ,因扁桃体炎在村卫生室肌注青霉素 80万U。青霉素皮试 ( - )。5min后病人在回家的路上 ,突感胸闷 ,呼吸困难 ,恶心 ,寒颤 ,口吐白沫 ,并随
患者 ,男 ,2 8岁。因尿频、尿急 3d来院就诊。排尿时无尿痛 ,起病后尚未服药治疗 ,过去无肾脏疾病史。体检 :一般情况较好 ,心肺 ( - ) ,肝脾 ( - ) ,两侧肾区捶击痛。化验检
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