
来源 :武汉医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rogiangel
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胆固醇肺炎是一种少见的肺部疾病,系由胆固醇沉积所致的炎症反应和纤维化①~③,国内尚未见报导。近年我院发现两例,报告讨论如下: 例1:潘××,男,63岁,工人,1974年5月15日入院,住院号206231。患者于1973年12月中旬因误服敌敌畏而中毒,昏迷,经抢救半个月方清醒,此后即有咳嗽,咳痰,胸透疑为右上肺炎,用抗菌素治疗仍痰中带血,全身不适,不发烧。1974年3月初开始胸痛,咳痰带血,链霉素治疗无效。既往从不生病。体检:发育营养好,血压132/82,脉率84次,头颈 Cholesterol pneumonia is a rare form of lung disease. It is caused by the deposition of cholesterol, inflammation and fibrosis. It has not been reported in China. In recent years, our hospital has found two cases. The report is discussed as follows: Example 1: Pan X, male, 63 years old, worker, admitted on May 15, 1974, hospital number 206231. In mid-December 1973, the patient was poisoned by mistakenly taking dichlorvos and was comaed. He was awake after being rescued for half a month. Since then, he had cough, sputum, and chest thallus was suspected as right upper pneumonia. He was still treated with antibiotics. No fever. Chest pain began in early March 1974, coughing blood, streptomycin treatment is invalid. I never get sick in the past. Physical examination: good developmental nutrition, blood pressure 132/82, pulse rate 84, head and neck
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