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通过与北电的合资公司,华为终于有望进入北美这个全球最重要的市场. 2月1日,当人们还沉浸在舂节的喜庆气氛中时,华为公司突然发布消息, 宣布与加拿大公司北电网络“订婚”.双方将成立一家开发宽带接入产品的合资公司,预计在今年第三季度正式成立.同时,允许北电即刻销售(?)为的现有宽带“,”When people were still immersed in happy atmosphere of the Spring Festival on February 1, Huawei made an unexpected announcement that the company would form a joint venture with Canadian Nortel for developing broadband access products. It is due to set up the joint venture in the third quarter of the year. Meanwhile, Nortel is immediately allowed to market and sell Huawei's existed broadband access products. The two parties have made decision on some details of the marriage: Nortel will hold the majority shares of the joint venture which will be headquartered in Toronto. Canada, and newly developed products by the venture will be distributed by Huawei and Nortel. Three months ago before the engagement, former COO of Motorola, Mike S. Zafirovsk was appointed the new CEO of Nortel. According to some source, it took only three months for Huawei and Nortel to reach this agreement. This is very swift. After many years' hard work, Huawei sets firm feet in markets of Russia, Latin America and Europe. If we treat the world market as a board of go game, Huawei has occupied sides and angles, but the middle part is still empty, that is the North America market which President Ren Zhengfei bears in mind constantly. By a joint venture with Nortel, Huawei is possible to enter the most important market in the world.
不入国内投资者法眼的钢铁股,对国际买家而言,却是超值货品,并由此引发了一股外资收购热.“,”China's steel companies are now enveloped by a strange air. Blue chip Moc
在智能手机市场,微软的 Windows 操作系统正试图复制其在 PC 领域的辉煌。今年年初,张亚勤回到阔别两年之久的中国,出任新组建的微软中国研发集团总裁。3月22日,当他和微软全
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