Large power analysis of switched reluctance machine system for coal mine

来源 :Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weibo78500
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The conventional structures in the Switched Reluctance machines are introduced, such as three-phase 12/8 structure Switched Reluctance machine, three-phase 6/4 structure Switched Reluctance machine, four-phase 16/12 structure Switched Reluctance machine, and four-phase 8/6 structure Switched Reluctance machine. Three-phase 12/8 structure Switched Reluctance machine is the best choice for the large power Switched Reluctance machine system in coal mines. The asymmetric bridge power converter main circuit and the bifilar winding power converter main circuit are also introduced. Three-phase asymmetric bridge power converter main circuit is the best choice for the large power Switched Reluctance machine system in coal mines. The magnetic paths of the designed large power motor are given with one phase excitation and double phases excitation. The phase current waveforms are also given. The conventional structures in the Switched Reluctance machines are introduced, such as three-phase 12/8 structure Switched Reluctance machines, three-phase 6/4 structure Switched Reluctance machines, four-phase 16/12 structure Switched Reluctance machines, and four- 8/6 structure Switched Reluctance machine. Three-phase 12/8 structure Switched Reluctance machine is the best choice for the large power Switched Reluctance machine system in coal mines. The asymmetric bridge power converter main circuit and the bifilar winding power converter main circuit are Also described. Three-phase asymmetric bridge power converter main circuit is the best choice for the large power Switched Reluctance machine system in coal mines. The magnetic paths of the designed large power motor are given with one phase excitation and double phases excitation. The phase current waveforms are also given.
中共人行益阳市中心支行党委按照“三个代表”的要求 ,在全辖范围深入开展了“创先争优”活动 ,基层党支部的战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范作用得到了充分发挥 ,为有效履行央
一、正确认识与评价传统的思政工作 我们党在新民主主义革命时期和社会主义建设之初,曾视思政工作为“生命线”,坚持用马列主义、毛泽东思想,用科学的世界观和方法论教育和武
长期以来有一种传闻 ,说红军长征到达贵州茅台镇时 ,在茅台酒厂的酿酒池里洗脏脚。全国政协委员、中国社会科学院学术委员喻权域教授曾对此说法多次予以驳斥。 2 0 0 1年 11