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The low-temperature sintered NiZn and NiCuZn ferrites with the composition of Ni0.40Zn0.60Fe2O4 and Ni0.35Cu0.05Zn0.60 Fe2O4 were respectively synthesized by th
To develop an improved method of reusing poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) waste in the production chain, it was chemically modified with pentaerythritol (PENT
1060年入京任三司度支判官的王安石向宋仁宗上《万言书》,倡言“改易更革”、变法图强。其中心内容即“因天下之力,以生天下之财。取天下之财,以供天下之费”,纾解国库空虚、财政拮据的危局。同时,王安石多年在地方为官,对贫苦农民抱有怜悯之心,也想变法惠民、以利百姓。他曾赋诗《兼并》言志:  三代子百姓,公私无异财。人主擅操柄,如天持斗魁。  赋予皆自我,兼并乃奸回。奸回法有诛,势亦无自来。  后世始倒持
A partial substitution of Ni by Cu has been carried out in order to improve the hydrogen storage characteristics of the Mg2Ni-type alloys. The nanocrystalline M
For water and sewer pipes, PVC is considered to be one of the best row materials. Due to its physical, chemical and industrial significant properties, PVC is co
Ni-Cr-Mo alloys have been widely used as fixed dental prostheses. Recast process influence on corrosion behavior of Ni-Cr-Mo dental alloy in simulated physiolog
深化经济体制改革,确立改革的主攻方向和重点领域,首先是要全面分析改革面临的形势以及当前经济结构的特点。无论是让市场在资源配置中起决定作用,还是更好地发挥政府作用,都是要解决市场经济体制中最深层次的问题,即充分尊重市场经济规律,让市场机制内在的活力得到最大限度的释放,同时又保证市场经济活动的正常秩序,避免和纠正市场失灵现象。  一、市场缺乏活力仍是当前的主要矛盾  应该指出,在现有的体制下,市场活力
Sewerage systems are subject to many types of degradation. In France, an estimated 10% of the total systems length requires work due to structural degradation.
The present work is to characterize both processes of thermochemical treatments: plasma nitriding and gas. The tests were carried out in collaboration with the