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目的:建立测定大鼠血浆中牡荆素-2″-O-鼠李糖苷(VOR)浓度的HPLC法,研究体内的药动学过程。方法:血浆样品加内标物橙皮苷,以甲醇沉淀蛋白;采用Diamonsil ODS C18色谱柱(150mm×4.6mm,5μm),乙腈-0.1%甲酸(20:80)为流动相,流速为1.0mL.min-1;检测波长为270nm。柱温:室温;进样量:20μL。结果:最低检测限为0.04022μg.mL-1,线性范围0.1070~21.41μg.mL-1,平均提取回收率(n=6)为97.9%,日内、日间精密度试验的RSD分别小于7.4%和8.5%;大鼠静脉注射VOR15,30,60mg.kg-13个剂量后,发现VOR的AUC0?90与给药量之比呈线性关系,测得消除半衰期(t1/2β)、系统清除率(CL)及表观分布容积(Vc)无显著性差异。结论:建立的测定大鼠体内VOR含量的HPLC方法简单、专属性强,适用于VOR在大鼠体内的药代动力学研究。 OBJECTIVE: To establish a HPLC method for the determination of vinin-2 "-O-rhamnoside (VOR) in rat plasma.METHODS: The plasma samples were incubated with methanol, hesperidin, The precipitated protein was separated on a Diamonsil ODS C18 column (150 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm) using acetonitrile-0.1% formic acid (20:80) as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0 mL · min-1 with a detection wavelength of 270 nm. , The injection volume was 20μL.Results: The detection limit was 0.04022μg.mL-1, the linear range was 0.1070 ~ 21.41μg.mL-1, the average recovery was 97.9% (n = 6) The RSD of the test was less than 7.4% and 8.5% respectively. After intravenous injection of VOR15, 30 and 60 mg.kg-13, the AOR-90 of VOR showed a linear relationship with the dosage, / 2β), systemic clearance rate (CL) and apparent volume of distribution (Vc) were not significantly different.Conclusion: The established HPLC method for the determination of VOR content in rats is simple and specific and suitable for the application of VOR in rats Pharmacokinetic studies.
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