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3月30日,中国戏剧家协会在京举办郭汉城戏曲理论研讨会。有“前海学派”之称的理论家、学者以及专家济济一堂,共同探讨郭汉城戏曲理论的成就与特点。来自武汉的专家李志高、杨世雄、及陈太平等专程赴会。郭汉城戏曲理论建树丰厚,著作等身。60年来,他始终深情关注着戏曲事业的发展。他以93岁的高龄,仍出入剧场,发表评论。郭老是戏剧人的楷模,是戏曲界的骄傲。研讨会由本刊和中国五老公益工程组委会承办。会议由中国剧协分党组书记、秘书长季国平和本刊副主编赓续华主持。现将与会者的发言、文章摘要发表,以飨读者。 On March 30, the Chinese Dramatists Association held a seminar on opera theory in Seoul. There are the theorists, scholars and experts who are called “Qianhai School” to discuss the achievements and characteristics of Guo Hancheng’s opera theory. Experts from Wuhan Li Zhigao, Yang Shixiong, and Chen Taiping made a special trip to attend the meeting. Guo Hancheng drama theory build rich, writings and other body. For 60 years, he has always been deeply concerned about the development of drama business. He is still 93 years old, still out of the theater, comment. Guo is always a playboy model, is the pride of the opera industry. Seminar organized by the publication and China Wulao public welfare project organizing committee. Meeting by the Chinese Theater Association division secretary, Secretary-General Ji Guoping and deputy editor in chief of the press continued. The presentations of participants, the abstract of the article will be published to readers.
无论圆满,也难言缺憾,2009年将留给世人的记忆,似乎是在承受的底线与翘首的上限之间,让人难以辨别轻重。时至今日,尽管人们依旧无解并困惑于这次金融危 It will be hard to
前期宁可赔钱,也要先兴市场,稳定的市场不仅能解决一部分下岗再就业的问题,还能带动整个城乡接合部的经济发展。 Quite prospective to lose money, but also Xing Hing mar
上世纪九十年代初,时在《文汇读书周报》工作的陆灏,向钱钟书、杨绛夫妇约稿。 In the early nineties of the last century, when working in the “Wen-hui Weekly” Lu H
溪美街道位于南安市区中心,1999年撤镇设立街道,现辖区面积65km2,总人口8.1万人,海外侨亲1.2万人,辖6个行政村、9个社区。 Ximei Street is located in the center of Nan’