
来源 :人民黄河 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meirumen
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该文根据游荡性河道形成的水沙条件、河道特性与稳定条件,论述了游荡性河道固有的比降陡,河道宽浅及窄河槽的冲淤与输沙特性。参照高村至陶城铺及东坝头至高村两段已经整治了的河槽断面形态、河段输沙能力、河道滞洪特性及滩槽冲淤特性的变化,分析了宽浅河道整治后,进入下游窄河段水沙条件可能产生的变化和上游宽河道整治带来的影响。结果表明.形成中水河槽是治河的关键。宽河道进一步整治可能会提高中等洪水的输沙能力,但不会改变小水淤槽的状况,若不改变水沙条件,二级悬河将会发展.但由于艾山以下窄河段在中水的输沙呈“多来多排”的特性,故不会造成直接危害。 According to the water and sediment conditions, characteristics and stability conditions of the wandering channel, this paper discusses the ebb and flow characteristics of the wandering channel and the channel width of the wandering channel. According to the section of the river channel that has been rehabilitated from Gaocun to Taochengpu and Dongbaitou village to the village of Gaogem, the sediment transport capacity, the characteristics of river detention and the characteristics of beach scour and silting are analyzed. After the river courses are rectified, Possible changes of water and sediment conditions in narrow reach and the impact of upstream wide river regulation. The result shows that the formation of the Zhongshui River channel is the key to water control. Further rectification of wide river courses may increase the capacity of medium-sized floods for sediment transport, but will not change the status of small water silt banks. If the conditions of water and sediment are not changed, the secondary hanging river will develop. However, Sediment transport in the water is “more and more”, so it will not cause immediate harm.
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山西省榆次市潇河水利管理局,在潇河灌区渠道上喷涂不同厚度的聚安酯,其上衬砌8cm厚砼预制板,抗冻防渗效果良好.达到相同防冻效果,用聚氨脂比聚苯板可节省材料费20%. 聚氨脂
职业教育的发展有利于我国经济社会发展的高素质、高技能人才。同时有助于解决我国当前基础教育、经济结构、社会就业、世界竞争等多方面难题。职业教育的梦就是中国梦。 Th
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