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1前言随着科学技术的不断发展·无堵塞泵输送的物质种类日益扩大,如污水污物、灰渣矿石、粮食淀粉、甜菜水果、鱼虾贝壳等不胜枚举。污水污物潜水电泵则是无堵塞泵的一种主要结构形式.是泵与电机会二为一的、特殊的、输送污水污物的机械,并潜入水中工作。它结构简单,使用方 1 Introduction With the continuous development of science and technology, non-clogging pump material types are increasingly expanding, such as sewage sludge, ash ore, grain starch, sugar beet fruit, shellfish and other fish too numerous to mention. Submersible sewage pump sewage pump is a non-clogging a major structural form. Is the pump and motor will be one of a special, sewage and sewage transport machinery, and dive into the water work. It is simple structure, the user side
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(2 0 0 4年4月3 0日)今天,中共中央在这里隆重举行纪念任弼时同志诞辰1 0 0周年座谈会,以缅怀他的丰功伟绩,学习他的革命精神和高尚品德。任弼时同志是新民主主义革命时期中
1989年12月25日的布加勒斯特市,朔风凛冽,砭人肌骨。 市郊的一片荒野上,一排威严的士兵平端着枪支挺立在 寂寂的寒风中。 随着一声令下,清脆的枪声打破了这令人心悸的静寂,
以乙酰乙酸乙酯为起始原料 ,经缩合得到乙氧亚甲基乙酰乙酸乙酯 ,然后与盐酸羟胺环合形成 5 -甲基 - 4 -异唑甲酸乙酯 ,再经水解得 5 -甲基 - 4 -异唑甲酸 ,后两步收率可
The authors propose “decreased-dose-intensity”PCV (proca-rbazine, lomustine [CCNU], and vincristine) chemotherapy for Asian patients with oligodendroglial tum
195 6年Burwell等人首先描述了过度肥胖所致的肺泡换气功能下降 ,使患者出现睡眠中呼吸困难甚至呼吸暂停。196 6年Gastaut将睡眠过程中呼吸暂停作为一种单独的疾病提出 ,并对该病的病因、病
Male sexual response is controlled by a series of neurally mediated phenomena regulating libido, motivation, arousal and genital responses such as penile erecti
Dear Editor,Enterovirus 71(EV71),a member of the genus Enterovirus of the family Picornaviridae,is a single-stranded,positive-sense RNA virus that usually cause