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1989-90赛季,菲尔·杰克逊接替科林斯成为芝加哥公牛队的教练。杰克逊是1973年纽约尼克斯队中的一员猛将,因为个子瘦长而被人们称为“拖把”。杰克逊在做球员时就以读书勤奋而闻名,退役后在新泽西网队干了几年助理教练。1987年来到芝加哥协助科林斯,事实上,杰克逊与科林斯的关系一直就不冷不热,只能说过得去。但是1988-89赛季的一件事使两人的关系发生了变化。在对密尔沃基雄鹿队的一场比赛中,科林斯被裁判逐出场外,他只好把指挥权交给了杰克逊,并详细交待了他指定的打法。科林斯离开时,公牛队比分落后很多。在防守方面杰克逊采取了科林斯布置的战术,而在进攻上他则自作主张采用了另外的打法,结果公牛队反败为胜。更使科林斯痛苦的是当晚克劳斯和妻子请杰克逊夫妇共进了晚餐,而他们进餐的镜头在电视中被播放了出来。这一切使科林斯大为恼火。第二天,他脸色铁青地指责杰克逊暗算自己和他的执教哲学。这次谈话使两人本来就谈不上友谊的关系彻底遭到了破坏。科氏辞职后,杰克逊被扶正。在接任了公牛队后,杰克逊干脆放开了手脚,而他的到来无疑是公牛队的一个转折点,也是乔丹王朝殿堂中最重要的一根巨柱的擎立。这么说毫不为过,在篮球圈子里,乔丹真正的朋友并不多,巴克利可以跟他 1989-90 season, Phil Jackson succeeded Corinth to become the Chicago Bulls coach. Jackson was a member of the New York Knicks in 1973 and was called a “mop” because of his length. Jackson is known for his diligence in reading as a player and spent a few years as an assistant coach in the New Jersey Nets after his retirement. In 1987, he came to Chicago to help Collins. In fact, the relationship between Jackson and Collins has been lukewarm and can only be justified. But one thing in the 1988-89 season changed the relationship between the two. In a game against the Milwaukee Bucks, Collins was kicked off the referee, he had to give the command to Jackson, and detailed account of his designated style of play. When the Corinth left, the Bulls score a lot behind. On the defensive side Jackson took Collins layout tactics, but on the offensive he himself advocated the use of a different style of play, the results of the Bulls defeat to victory. What made Collins even more painful was the fact that Klaus and his wife invited the Jackson and his wife to dinner the same night, and the scenes of their meal were played on television. All this makes Collins angry. The next day, he bluntly accused Jackson of plotting himself and his coaching philosophy. The conversation completely destroyed the relationship between the two men, which they could not even mention. After Corus resigned, Jackson was righting. After taking over the Bulls, Jackson simply let go of his hands and feet, and his arrival is undoubtedly a turning point for the Bulls, but also Jordan Palace dynasty, the most important pillar of the establishment. It’s no exaggeration to say that in the basketball circle, Jordan’s real friends are not many, Buckley can talk to him
偏执的进攻个性,除了能让观众热血沸腾,还能帮他赢得不少比赛。以下三点,是你可以从这个进攻狂人身上学到的。 Paranoid offensive personality, in addition to make the a
威廉·夏纳WILLIAM SHATNER看过美国科幻剧集《星舰迷航记》(STAR TREK)的观众,一定会对寇克船长的扮演者威廉·夏纳非常熟悉。从1966年开始的40年间,威廉·夏纳和他率领的