落实“三个代表” 解决群众吃水困难

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今年,是三河市老百姓最难忘的一年。他们做梦也没想到,年初市委二届九次全会和市政府二届五次人代会上,分别响亮地提出,缓建政务大楼,用建大楼的钱搞“双通”工程,即在农村“村村通柏油路,家家通自来水”;他们还没有想到,会议的余音还在回响,数十支打井队支起井架,随着那有节奏的打井声,“双通”工程的序幕拉开了。 三河市大部分农村每家院内都有一眼自打的水井,一般井深20-30米,有安装压把的,有安装小潜水泵的,农民吃的水就是从这种井里提取的。由于浅层水受地面污染影响,氟、锰、铬、大肠 This year is the most memorable year for the people of Sanhe City. They never dreamed that at the second session of the Second Session of the Municipal Party Committee and the Fifth Session of the Second Meeting of the People’s Government at the beginning of the year, they loudly proposed that the government building be postponed to build the “double-pass” project with money from building the building, that is, in rural areas. “The villages pass the asphalt road and the water passes through the house”; they have not yet thought that the reverberation of the meeting is still echoing, and dozens of well-drilling teams have erected the derrick. With the rhythmic sound of drilling wells, the “double-pass” project The prologue opened. In most rural villages in Sanhe City, there is a self-made well, usually 20-30 meters deep, with pressure handles and small submersible pumps. The water the farmer eats is extracted from this well. As shallow water is affected by ground pollution, fluorine, manganese, chromium, large intestine
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