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香椿属楝科,是我国特有的木本蔬菜作物。幼嫩的椿芽,可供春季鲜食,也可腌渍备用。香椿在我国栽培广泛,历史悠久。其喜温而不耐寒,喜光而不耐荫。冬季气温低过零下20℃的地区,顶芽有冻死现象。其在肥沃沙质土壤和石灰质土壤生长良好。香椿可分红椿和青椿两大类。红椿幼芽和茎叶色紫红,老叶背面红绿,质嫩、纤维少,芳香味浓,品质佳;青椿又叫柴椿,幼芽初期茎叶紫红色,后期青绿色,香味淡,纤维多,品质较差。香椿属楝科,是我国特有的木本蔬菜作物。幼嫩的椿芽,可供春季鲜食,也可腌渍备用。香椿在我国栽培广泛,历史悠久。其喜温而不耐寒,喜光而不耐荫。冬季气温低过零下20℃的地区,顶芽有冻死现象。其在肥沃沙质土壤和石灰质土壤生长良好。香椿可分红椿和青椿两大类。红椿幼芽和茎叶色紫红,老叶背面红绿,质嫩、纤维少,芳香味浓,品质佳;青椿又叫柴椿,幼芽初期茎叶紫红色,后期青绿色,香味淡,纤维多,品质较差。一、香椿的繁殖一是利用香椿根部易发生萌蘖的特性,在老树四周断根促使萌发根蘖苗,春季分株移植;二是利用香椿萌芽能力强的特点,将1—2年生幼根剪成长15—20厘米的段,于3—4月间扦插育苗,最好随采随育。为防种根愈合组织腐烂,保证地温,一般可不浇水;南方多用种子繁殖,在3月底播种。二、香椿的修剪椿芽产量的高低,主要决定于树体分枝的多少。分枝多,椿头芽就多,椿芽的产量就高。修剪可促使树体增加分枝量,形成密集的椿头芽。过去一般不修剪,只用早春采椿头芽的办法促发侧芽,形成分枝。这样会减少当年椿芽产量(少收一茬椿芽),而且树体分枝不紧凑。我们自1972年以来,于6月下旬到7月上旬,对香椿树进行夏季修剪,效果很好。方法是:凡是当年新梢,一律在基部留5—6寸,余者全部剪掉。20天后可发出2—5个侧芽,到秋季可形成2—5寸长的充实短枝(椿头芽)。夏季修剪,不但可以控制树体高度,增加分枝,形成密集的椿头芽,而且不影响当年的椿芽产量(这时已采过2—3次椿芽)。还有,这时新梢已长达50—100厘米,由于多次采摘椿芽,树体很弱,梗瘦、叶薄。如对其进行重短截修剪,可使养分集中,促使树势转旺,长出的椿芽也会肥美,经济价值高。三、香椿施肥香椿施肥以6—7月为主。因这时已采过大量芽叶,树体养分消耗很大,及时施肥,可迅速恢复树势,特别是夏剪后,可多发分枝。另外,夏季施肥,可便香椿落叶晚,树梢充实,减少冬季冻害,椿头芽饱满,第二年椿芽产量高,质量好。四、防治病虫害香椿病害以叶锈病和白粉病危害较重。防治方法是冬季清扫落叶,发芽前喷5度石硫合剂。害虫有香椿毛虫、刺蛾、云斑天牛等。可用适当的药剂防治。 Toona is Meliaceae, is unique to our woody vegetable crops. Young toon bud, for fresh spring, but also pickled spare. Toon is widely cultivated in our country and has a long history. Its warm and not cold, light and shade. Winter temperatures below zero below 20 ℃ in the area, the top buds freeze to death phenomenon. It grows well in rich sandy and calcareous soils. Toon can be divided into two major categories Chun Chun and Chun. Red toon buds and stems and leaves purplish red, old leaves on the back of red and green, tender, less fiber, aromatic flavor, good quality; Green Chun also known as Chai Chun, bud early stems and leaves purple, late turquoise, scent light More fiber, poor quality. Toona is Meliaceae, is unique to our woody vegetable crops. Young toon bud, for fresh spring, but also pickled spare. Toon is widely cultivated in our country and has a long history. Its warm and not cold, light and shade. Winter temperatures below zero below 20 ℃ in the area, the top buds freeze to death phenomenon. It grows well in rich sandy and calcareous soils. Toon can be divided into two major categories Chun Chun and Chun. Red toon buds and stems and leaves purplish red, old leaves on the back of red and green, tender, less fiber, aromatic flavor, good quality; Green Chun also known as Chai Chun, bud early stems and leaves purple, late turquoise, scent light More fiber, poor quality. First, the reproduction of Toona sinensis First, the use of toon roots prone to sprout characteristics, the roots around the old tree root sprout germination germination, ramet transplanted in spring; the second is the use of toon sprouting ability of strong, 1-2 years old root Cut 15-20 cm segment growth, cutting propagation in March-April, it is best to follow with mining. In order to prevent seed-root healing tissue decay, to ensure that the temperature, the general may not watering; the South multiply seeds, sown at the end of March. Second, toon pruning Chunya production level, mainly depends on the number of tree branches. Branches and more, Chun head bud more, Chunya buds on the high. Pruning can promote the tree to increase the amount of branching, the formation of dense Crab Bud. In the past generally not pruning, only the early spring plucking buds to promote lateral buds, the formation of branches. This will reduce the current production of Chinese toon buds (less stubble Chun), and the tree branches are not compact. We have had a good summer pruning of the toon tree since late June to early July in 1972. Method is: Where the new shoots, all stay in the base 5-6 inches, all the remaining cut off. After 20 days, 2-5 lateral buds may be emitted, and in the fall, substantial spurlets (Chun head buds) of 2-5 inches long may be formed. Summer pruning, not only can control the height of the tree, increase the branches, the formation of dense Crab Bud, and does not affect the current production of Cephalotaxus (at this time have been taken 2-3 times Chunya). Also, this time the shoot has been up to 50-100 cm, due to repeated picking Chunya, the tree is very weak, stem thin, thin leaves. If its cut short pruning, can focus on nutrients, to promote the tree vigor, the growth of Chunya will be fat, high economic value. Third, Toon fertilization Toon fertilization in June-July-based. Because this time has adopted a large number of bud leaves, tree nutrients consumed, timely fertilization, can quickly restore the tree vigor, especially after the summer cut, can be multiple branches. In addition, the summer fertilization, can be late fall toon, deciduous trees to reduce winter frost damage, Chun head bud full, the second year Chunya high yield, good quality. Fourth, prevention and treatment of pests and diseases Tolerance to leaf rust and powdery mildew hazards. Prevention method is to clean the leaves in winter, before spraying 5 degrees stone sulfur mixture. Pest has toon caterpillar, thorn moths, cloudy days of cattle and so on. Available with appropriate agent control.
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人体的呼吸、消化、排泄等器官就好比一条条健康的通道,如果这些通道口的排泄物积蓄到一定程度,而又没有得到及时合理地排出,长期下来,将会影响身体健康。  憋尿:尿液是人体产生的废物之一。它含有多种毒素,这些毒素如长时间存留体内,便会对人体健康造成危害。尿液在体内不断增加,会让膀胱不断膨胀。如果尿液超过膀胱的储量,便会向输尿管回流,时间长了便会影响肾脏的健康,膀胱的括约肌也会因此变得松弛。对于一些老年人
fascilcled——簇生的:一丛毛或叶挤在一起生长。fertigation——肥水灌溉:将肥料溶于水中进行灌溉(一般是喷灌)的先进制度。fertilizer burn——肥料烧伤:因为与高浓度的化
目的 血液透析机安全、稳定运行是日常透析治疗顺利开展的重要前提条件,需要定期进行机器的维护保养.通过对透析设备的调查,以了解透析机日常使用中故障发生情况及其特点,为
英国一家母婴网站日前公布的一项调查结果显示,一个女人从出生到78岁的漫长人生中,哭泣时间累计超过1.2万个小时,约16个月,哭泣的原因随年龄段而不断变化。例如,出生后的 Ac