
来源 :走向世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:foxgp123
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当忙碌变成生活的主旋律,那些烦与愁,总是才下眉头,又上心头。于是我们开始寻找各种惬意,走进自然玩味野趣,抑或骑上骏马驰骋于原野,激活天地任遨游的壮志与豪情。无论何时,与大自然接触总让人心向往之,而在烈日炎炎的8月,惟有大海是最佳的选择。登上游艇体验海之深蓝,天之壮阔,成为最魅惑的休闲方式。发动引擎,遨游于蓝天碧海间,沐浴在明媚阳光下,立于游艇之巅,那些累积的疲惫,在乘风破浪中被逐一击退。相信没有人会拒绝这样的邀请,随即带上行囊,离开海港,开始只属于快乐的游艇“潮生活”。 When busy becomes the main theme of life, those annoying and unhappy, always only frowned, again in my heart. So we started looking for all kinds of cozy, into the natural pondering, or riding a horse galloping in the wilderness, activate the world as a tour of the ambitions and pride. Whenever contact with nature always makes people yearning for it, and in the hot and scorching sun in August, only the sea is the best choice. Boarded the yacht to experience the deep blue sea, the magnificent sky, becoming the most fascinating way of leisure. Start the engine, travel in the blue sky sea, bathed in bright sunshine, standing on the top of the yacht, those accumulated fatigue, one by one in the wind and waves were repulsed. I believe no one will refuse such an invitation, then put on the bag, leave the harbor, began to belong only to the pleasure of the yacht “tide life ”.
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我院自1990年至1999年收治以自发性肝破裂为首发症状的原发性肝癌3例。 例1 75岁,男性。既往健康,于1990年7月25日上午在山上砍柴中自觉右上腹部疼痛,但尚能忍受,不伴随其他
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