2005地方财政收入:广东总量最多 山西增速最快

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财政收入预计将突破3万亿元大关2005年是积极财政政策转向稳健财政政策的第一年,同时也是“十五”收官之年。各级财政部门认真落实党中央、国务院的这一重大决策,围绕做大经济和财政“蛋糕”开展工作。财政部部长金人庆在不久前结束的全国财政工作会议上透露,预计2005年全年全? Fiscal revenue is expected to exceed 3 trillion yuan mark 2005 is the first year in which an active fiscal policy has shifted to a prudent fiscal policy and is also the final year of the Tenth Five-year Plan. The financial departments at all levels earnestly implement this important policy made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and work on making the “cake” of economy and finance a bigger task. Minister of Finance Jin Renqing said recently at the national financial work conference that the whole of 2005 is expected to be completed in 2005
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目的 探讨急性早幼粒细胞白血病(APL)的临床特点、最佳治疗方案、维A酸综合征(RAS)的防治.方法分析18例APL患者的临床资料.结果18例APL患者中以出血起病16例.维A酸联合化疗治疗8例,疗程>6周期2例,分别于第26个月、第72个月复发死亡;2例早期死亡;4例<4周期者2例无病生存5年以上,2例于5年后复发,治疗后再次完全缓解.维A酸、砷剂联合化疗治疗10例无病生存2~37个月.结论AP
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读贵刊1998年第5期上《巧检镗刀板圆弧半径》一文,另提一种测量方法,以供读者参考。 现以傅轩同志提到的镗刀板圆弧半径测量为例 Read your fifth issue in 1998, “Qiao c