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2008年的中华大地上,处处弥漫着国人的奥运热情——期盼与支持、祝福与欢呼声随着奥运会的临近而日益升腾、浓烈。在这此起彼伏的赞颂声中,人们清晰地听到了一支“祝福中华民族腾飞”的歌曲《中华圣火》正和着祖国的脉搏律动、民众的激情节拍而尽情地抒发、唱响着…… 2008 China’s land, filled with the enthusiasm of the Olympic people everywhere - look forward to and support, blessing and cheers as the Olympic Games approaching and rising, strong. In this one after another praise sound, people clearly heard a “blessing the Chinese nation takeoff ” song “Chinese flame” and the pulse of the rhythm of the motherland, the public passionate rhythm and enjoy to express, singing ...
"IMG spent years building up basketball,football and badminton leagues in China,and now they are really faltering.What took us 15 years to build has taken just
GREAT WALL BREAKFASTIf you e planning to visit the Great Wall.avoid Badaling-the most developed section of the wall closest to Beijing--and head for Mutianyu ins
经济学家和业内人士认为,过去一年多来中国政府调控房价效果明显,在经济、行政等多种手段作用下,房地产泡沫被有效抑制。新的一年,尽管政府已将政策重点从抑制通胀转向支持经济增长,但调控房价方向和态度依然坚定,多重压力之下中国房地产业或将进入加速调整的阶段。  国家统计局的数据显示,70个大中城市中有52个城市新建商品住宅价格下降,平均房价连续三个月环比下降、同比增速放缓。调控政策影响下,2011年全国商
Ambush marketing has been with us as long as there has been official sponsorship - and the Beijing Olympics will be no exception to this rule
Multinational drug firms are increasingly moving R&D, as well as manufacturing opera- tions to China, but responding to the ever-changing market is proving diff
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Four Chinese athletes who struck business gold after retirement
As one of the first Treaty Ports opened up to iforeign interests in the mid-19th century, Tianjin--and more specifically the nearby port area now part of TEDA (
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