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当今年5月颜家安先生把《关于建设海南国际商用航天港的建议》一文送到编辑部时,记者就萌生了采访颜先生的念头,但却因故一直未能如愿。正是这项九三学社海南省委的政协提案,于今年初召开的海南省政协三届二次会议上由颜家安代表提出后,半年多来在海内外引起了强烈反响。10月18日上午,在新启用不久的海南广场一号办公大楼五楼一间宽敞安静的办公室里,记者终于见到了颜家安。“这个建议在省政协会议上提出后,当时就有一些有实力的投资者主动联络我们了解情况。5月份,国防科工委还专门就此在北京召开了专家座谈会。”采访一开始,颜家安就很平静地回答记者。“作为一个参政党,九三学社海南省委积极发挥民主党派参政议政的作用。要提高参政议政质量,就要从海南当地的实际出发,提出一些带有全局性、超前性的思想,不断寻找海南经济发展的增长点、闪光点,推动、保持海南 When Mr. Yen Chia-An sent the editorial department a ”proposal on the construction of an international commercial airport in Hainan“ in May this year, the reporter initiated the idea of ​​interviewing Mr. Yen but failed to do so for some reason. It is this proposal that the proposal of the CPPCC of Hainan Provincial Party Committee of Jiu San Society was put forward by the representative of Yan Anan at the second session of the third session of the Hainan Provincial Committee of Political Consultative Conference held earlier this year and has aroused strong repercussions at home and abroad for over six months. On the morning of October 18, in a spacious and quiet office on the fifth floor of No.1 newly opened office building in Hainan Plaza, the reporter finally met Yan Jia'an. ”This proposal was put forward at the provincial CPPCC meeting, at that time there are some powerful investors take the initiative to contact us to understand the situation .In May, the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense specially held an expert symposium in Beijing. “ The first interview , Yan Jia'an very calmly answered reporters. ”As a participating party, Hainan Provincial Party Committee of Jiu San Society actively play the role of democratic parties to participate in political discussions .To improve the quality of political participation, it is necessary from the reality of Hainan local, put forward some with the overall situation, advanced thinking, and constantly looking for Hainan Economic growth point of development, shining point, promote and maintain Hainan
The first half of 1998 Cargo throughput of the main river ports in China Unit: 10000 ton The first half of 1998 Cargo throughput of the main river ports in Ch
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