
来源 :中国地方志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengczl
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本文在论述志书政治部类编写的历史演变的基础上,指出政治部类编写中面临的问题:对政治体制改革记述未给予足够的重现;政治部类基本格局按党政群机构和部门进行对口分类记述存在一些问题;政治部类中的内容往往以机构职能分工作为分类归属的标准,与方志对客观事物以科学分类和社会分工为标准的划分原则有矛盾;在篇目结构安排中对有些具有双重或多重属性的事物记述显得较乱。对如何写好政治部类提出以下思考:设置政治体制改革专编从宏观上加强记述政治体制改革内容;在中国共产党和政府编中要加强根据地方的地情特点而作出的创造性的决策决定,以推动本地区经济和社会发展的内容记述;在中国共产党编中要重视记好全局性的政治活动;设专编强化反腐倡廉建设的记述;把工会、共青团、妇联等人民团体从政治部类移至社会部类记述;精神文明创建活动按其属性归入文化教育部类。政治部类编写值得注意的有以下几个问题:一是在修志中要加强宏观思维和综合思维;二是在社会主义市场经济大背景下进行政治部类编写必须跳出计划经济体制下形成的框框并加以必要的改革;三是加强修志者政治理论学习,特别是要学好中国特色社会主义理论体系。 On the basis of discussing the historical evolution of the political department of Zhizhi, this paper points out the problems that the political department faces in the compilation of the political department: not giving adequate recapitulation of the description of the reform of the political system; There are some problems in carrying on the counterpart classification and description; the content in the political department often takes the division of the functions of the institutions as the standard of classification, which is in contradiction with the principle of division of the objective things according to the scientific classification and social division of labor; The description of something that has double or multiple attributes is cluttered. The following ideas are put forward on how to write well the political departments: setting up a special editorial on the political system reform, strengthening the description of the contents of the political system reform macroscopically; strengthening creative decision-making decisions based on the characteristics of local conditions in the CPC and the government, In order to promote the economic and social development in the region described in the content; in the Chinese Communist Party should pay attention to remember the overall political activities; set a special account to strengthen the anti-corruption advocacy construction account; the union, the Communist Youth League, Women’s Federation and other people’s organizations from the Political Department Classes were moved to social department records; spiritual civilization creation activities were classified into Classes of Culture and Education according to their attributes. There are several issues worthy of attention in the preparation of the political departments: First, we must strengthen macro thinking and comprehensive thinking in the revision of the second; second, we must jump out of the framework formed by the planned economy under the background of the socialist market economy And to make the necessary reforms. Third, we should strengthen the study of the political theory of the practitioners, especially to study the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
目的 探讨避孕套与宫颈糜烂的关系及对宫颈上皮的影响和临床意义.方法 275例健康育龄妇女依据避孕方法分为2组:A组使用避孕套避孕者143例,B组使用自然避孕法避孕或结扎者132