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冯仑1959年7月生于陕西西安,祖籍浙江嘉兴。现任万通实业集团董事局主席,北京万通实业股份有限公司董事长,中国民生银行董事。 1982年毕业西北大学经济系,获经济学学士学位。1982年在中央党校主修科学社会主义专业,获法学硕士学位。1984年至1988年在中央党校马列研究所任讲师期间,曾挂职下放到湖北省,担任武汉市经委综合处副处长,后调到中央政治体制改革研究小组办公室下属专题研计小组,从事“文化及意识形态领导体制改革”的研究。1988年下半年借调到中宣部理论研究室工作。1988年底在国家体改委中国经济体制改革研究所比较比较制度研究室任副主任,同时被派往海南省筹建改革发展研究所,并担任常务副所长。1991年至今任万通实业集团董事局主席,北京万通实业股份有限公司董事长,中国民生银行董事。同时担任中华全国工商联执行委员,中央党校国策研究中心研究员,西北大学和北京经贸大学研究员、客座教授。主编有七十万字的《中国国情报告》,在《中国社会科学》等期刊和出版物上发表过40万字的论文。主要译著有《狂飙突进──卡尔·马克思的心路历程》。 Feng Lun was born in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, in July 1959 and was originally from Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province. He currently serves as chairman of the board of directors of Vantone Industrial Group, chairman of Beijing Wantong Industrial Co., Ltd., and director of China Minsheng Bank. He graduated from Northwest University in 1982 with a bachelor’s degree in economics. In 1982, he majored in scientific socialism at the Central Party School and received a master’s degree in law. From 1984 to 1988 as a lecturer at the Marxist Institute of the Central Party School, he was decentralized to Hubei Province, where he served as deputy division chief of Wuhan Economic Commission’s General Office, and later transferred to the Sub-Special Research Group of the Central Political System Reform Research Group Office. “Research on Cultural and Ideological Leadership System Reform”. In the second half of 1988, he was transferred to work in the Theoretical Research Office of the Central Propaganda Department. At the end of 1988, he was deputy director of the Comparative Economics Research Institute of the China National Economic System Reform Institute of the National Economic Reform Commission. At the same time, he was assigned to the Hainan Provincial Planning Reform and Development Institute and served as the Deputy Director. Since 1991, he has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Wantong Industrial Group, Chairman of Beijing Wantong Industrial Co., Ltd., and Director of China Minsheng Bank. At the same time, he served as executive member of China All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, researcher of the Central Party School State Policy Research Center, researcher and guest professor of Northwest University and Beijing University of Economics and Business. The editor-in-chief has a 700,000-word “China National Report” and has published 400,000 word papers in journals and publications such as “Chinese Social Sciences”. The main translation is “Hurricane Rush - Karl Marx’s Mind Road.”
印度尼西亚工贸部长潘查伊坦说 ,政府已经同意降低棕榈油出口税 ,把棕榈油出口税降低到5 % ,棕榈油产品出口税降低到2%。新的出口税已于9月12日生效。印尼政府是在印尼当地棕榈油
要使顾客对首饰的款式与质量称心与放心,要求商户介绍商品时要耐心,对待用户要诚心。一.称心与耐心 1.金饰搭配 (1)脸型圆脸型人的项链/耳环设计应选用上阔下窄的几何图案,
美国纺织品协议执行委员会日前宣布 ,今年将柬埔寨出口到美国的纺织品配额增加9 %。美国方面解释说 ,由于柬埔寨改善了国内劳工的工作条件和技能 ,所以输美纺织品配额增加9 %。