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风电企业的信息化建设工作正处于起步阶段,风电企业的信息化建设工作应该规范有序的开展,风电企业与火电企业的信息化建设差别很大,对于信息化建设不可能集中部署,点多面广是风电企业的一大特点,由于一个风电企业同时可能会由多家下属风电场所组成,并且距离相对较远,网络配置结构应该如何配置才可以满足企业目前及中长期对于信息化方面的需求。正确的确立网络配置结构是企业未来信息化建设的坚实基础,以战略的眼光宏观的角度考虑建设方向,将最大限度的提高建设速度,最大程度的节约建设成本,以便后续在实施相关信息化项目建设的时候不会出现多次重复投资的现象,规划基础平台建设时应全面考虑企业内各部门的信息化需求,建立综合性企业信息平台,避免信息孤岛与技术短板的出现。 The informatization construction of wind power enterprises is in the initial stage. The informatization construction of wind power enterprises should be carried out in an orderly and orderly manner. The informatization construction of wind power enterprises and thermal power enterprises varies greatly. It is impossible for the informatization construction to focus on the deployment, Guang is a major feature of wind power enterprises. Since a wind power enterprise may also be composed of several subordinate wind farms at the same time, and the distance is relatively long, how should the network configuration structure be configured to meet the current and medium- and long-term demands for informationization? . Correctly establishing the network configuration structure is the solid foundation for the future informatization construction of the enterprise. Considering the construction direction from the macroscopic perspective of the strategy, it will maximize the construction speed and save the construction cost to the greatest extent so as to follow up the implementation of related information projects During the construction, there will be no repeated investment. The construction of basic platform should fully consider the information needs of various departments in the enterprise and establish a comprehensive enterprise information platform to avoid the emergence of information silos and technical shortcomings.
<正> 一、概述获得一个性能好又符合工艺要求的醇酸树脂,必须通过一系列条件试验。通过油度、醇超量的变更试验,可得到符合工艺要求与成品规格的树脂,通过油,多元醇、多元酸
<正> 醇酸树脂是以多元醇和多元酸的酯为主链、以脂肪酸为侧链构成的,其结构示意图如下: 图1 中油度脂肪酸—苯酐—甘油醇酸的可能结构醇酸树脂分子量虽然是多分散性的,而且
<正> 随着科学技术的发展,电子计算机已应用到工业各个部门,涂料工业亦不例外。早在1958年,美国就实现了用电子计算机模拟配方,开创了电子计算机在涂料工业中应用的先例。六
采用能描述岩体大变形特征的几何非线性程序FLAC进行数值模拟研究 ,揭示了软弱围岩隧道在高地应力条件下的变形规律 ,即软弱围岩隧道的最大变位方向与最大主应力方向存在相互