
来源 :深圳中西医结合杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TemplarLee
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目的:调查珠海市社区获得性肺炎(CAP)发病、流行特点,分析疾病负担,为疾病防控、减轻家庭及社会负担提供指导。方法:筛选2012年8月至2014年7月珠海市肺炎监测点所获取完整资料的600例CAP患者,收集患者一般资料、疾病情况、住院费用等信息,建立数据库,统计流行病学特点及经济学负担。结果:珠海市CAP患者男性多于女性,以≤5岁及≥60岁群体多见,发病季节以秋冬为主,以细菌及病毒感染多见,肺炎链球菌、流感嗜血杆菌为其常见病原体,患者医疗付费以自费居多;CAP患者直接医疗费用以住院总费用最高,其次为门诊总费用;间接医疗费用以门诊及住院误工费为主,其次为请护工费用。结论:CAP高经济负担疾病,为降低其发病风险,必须制定系统化的免疫策略,强化呼吸道疾病筛查,提高医保普及率,加强对高危CAP群体的监测。 Objective: To investigate the prevalence and prevalence of community acquired pneumonia (CAP) in Zhuhai and to analyze the burden of disease so as to provide guidance for disease prevention and control and alleviation of family and social burdens. Methods: A total of 600 patients with CAP who were screened for the pneumonia in Zhuhai from August 2012 to July 2014 were collected. General information, disease status, hospitalization costs and other information were collected. The database, epidemiological characteristics and economy were collected Learning burden. Results: There were more males than females in CAP patients in Zhuhai city, most of them were in the group of ≤5 years old and ≥60 years old. The incidence season was mainly in autumn and winter, with common bacterial and viral infections, and Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae were the common pathogens , The patients paid for medical services were mostly at their own expense; the direct hospitalization cost of CAP patients was the highest in total hospitalization expenses, followed by the total outpatient expenses; the indirect medical expenses were mainly out-patient and hospitalized for work-related expenses, followed by the cost of nursing staff. Conclusion: In order to reduce the risk of CAP, we must develop a systematic immunization strategy to strengthen the screening of respiratory diseases, increase the coverage rate of medical insurance and strengthen the monitoring of high-risk CAP population.
慢性特发性血小板减少性紫癜(简称慢性ITP),患者绝大多数是成年人,以女性病人多见,通常在中青年中发病率较高,特别是生育年龄的妇女。本病治疗方法如下:1.一般支持疗法 Chr
1994年2月3日房纪要。主任 请实习医师报告病历。实习生 患者,男,62岁,因胸闷、胸腹痛1天于1994年2月3日入院。患者高血压10年,平素经常服用复方降压片、心痛定、卡托普利、