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在天津市20万hm~2果园中,有1/4果园属于盐碱地,该果园中果实品质差、产量低,果树易早衰,经济效益低。所以,改良盐碱果园土壤理化性质,改善其土壤结构,是盐碱果园迫切需解决的问题。许多果园绿肥作物具有较强的耐盐能力,种植绿肥改变可以改良土壤,如田菁(Sesbania rostrata)、草木樨(Melilotus suavena)、柽麻(Critalaria jumcea L.)等,它们一方面可以提高土壤肥力,另一方面可以降低土壤含盐量和土壤pH。草木樨(M.s
Inhomogeneous electroluminescence (EL) of InGaN green LEDs grown on mesh-patterned Si (111) substrate had been investigated.Sample with n-AlGaN inserted between
植物根结线虫(Meloidogyne spp.)是一种专性寄生病害,可寄生于3000多种植物,是世界四大植物侵染性病原之一,给我国和世界农业带来了巨大的经济损失。本研究根据同源序列法从番茄中
The polarization effect introduced by electric field deformation is the most important bottleneck of CdZnTe detector in x-ray imaging.Currently,most of studies
Knowledge-based scoring functions have been widely used for protein structure prediction,protein-small molecule,and protein-nucleic acid interactions,in which o
Thermal conductivity of nanowires (NWs) is a crucial criterion to assess the operating performance of NWs-based device applications,such as in the field of heat
We investigate the intensity effect of ultrashort assisting infrared laser pulse on the single-XUV-photon double ionization of helium atoms by solving full six-
A new variational method is proposed to investigate the dynamics of the thin film in a coating flow where a liquid is delivered through a fixed slot gap onto a