Identification of NAE--UBE2M inhibitor through drug repurposing

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Nedd8,a core molecule of the neddylation pathway,was discovered as an ubiquitin-like molecule responsible for different kinds of regulation of its target proteins such as cellular localization,changes in function etc.Neddylation pathway,a post-translational modifications(PTMs)system,follows the similar three steps enzymatic cascade reaction like ubiquitination.To start the reaction,firstly NEDD8is activated by NEDD8activating enzyme or APPBP1-UBA3(E1).Then,activated NEDD8is received by NEDD8conjugating enzyme UBE2M/UBE2F(E2).Finally,with the help of E3ligase(RBX1/RBX2.DCN1),NEDD8conjugated to its target protein and modify the function of that molecule.Proteins involve in cell cycle and apoptosis is vastly influenced by this pathway.Thus,Neddylation plays an essential role in cancer cell survival and proliferation.
  Oppositely,inhibition of neddylation by MLN4924,a first-in-class small-molecule inhibitor of NEDD8activating enzyme APPBP1-UBA3(E1),showed significant anticancer effects.The drug showed its efficacy by inhibiting cullin neddylation and inducing cell cycle arrest,apoptosis,senescence and autophagy in a different cancer cell,which leads to impeding the cancer cell growth.However,in recent studies,drug resistance against MLN4924was observed,and alternative effective treatment targeting neddylation has not been discovered yet to inhibit cancer cell growth.Extensive research work is going on to identify new and effective inhibitors against the neddylation pathway for cancer treatment.Recent days,drug repurposing holds the potential to complement traditional drug discovery by mitigating the high monetary‐and time‐related costs and risks associated with drug discovery.With a failure rate of~45%associated with safety or toxicity issues mitigating the safety risk,in addition to the saving of up to5–7years in average drug development time,confers an attractive prospect for drug developers and patients alike.
  In this study,we developed an HTRF based drug screening method to identify NAE-UBE2M inhibitor which can inhibit neddylation pathway.All required proteins were purified from E.coli and they were>98%pure and the assay was validated by evaluate the IC50of MLN4924(5.80±0.763nM),S/B ratio(3.86±0.251)and Z'factor(0.73±0.04).Sixteen hundred(1600)FDA approved drugs that are currently using to treat different kinds of diseases were analyzed with a view to evaluate its effects on NAE-UBE2M interaction or neddylation inhibition.From drug sscreening twelve drugswere identified,which have the potency to inhibit neddylation at50μM concentrations.Among them,we have got the50%inhibitory concentration(IC50)in protein-protein interaction assay of three drugs namely Micafungin Sodium,Otilonium Bromide and Ceritinib that showed IC5016.990±1.458μM,9.019±2.264μM,and4.899±1.522μM respectively.The pharmacological analysis of Micafungin Sodium and Otilonium Bromide using gastric cancer cell lines showed that the drugs could inhibit the neddylation at the cellular level as well and impede the growth of cancer cells.Interruption of cell growth was observed due to DNA damage and cell cycle arrest in the G2/M checkpoint.Overall,our finding revealed new effects of marketed drugs and it also suggests that the compounds can be a useful model for the design and development of a new class of highly potent inhibitors for cancer treatment.Morevover it imply the the relation of the neddylation pathway with the action of those drugs.
目的:观察圣愈汤加减治疗脾胃虚弱型慢性萎缩性胃炎癌前病变的临床疗效及对let-7a相对表达量的干预情况,为临床治疗提供新的思路和理论依据。  方法:选取符合病例选择标准的脾胃虚弱型慢性萎缩性胃炎癌前病变患者62例,随机分为治疗组、对照组各31例。治疗组给予圣愈汤加减颗粒剂治疗,每日1剂,早晚饭后温水冲服,连续服用12周,对照组给予胃复春片,3次/日,4片/次,连续服用12周。于治疗前及治疗结束后2
目的:  通过观察四逆消渴方联合耳穴压豆治疗肝气郁结型糖尿病伴焦虑状态患者的临床疗效,以期发现治疗糖尿病伴焦虑状态的有效方法和药物,并为临床推广应用提供客观依据。  方法:  将确诊的90例糖尿病伴焦虑状态的患者,随机分为三组,其中对照组30例,试验A组30例,试验B组30例。在基础治疗的基础上,对照组给予氟哌噻吨美利曲辛片口服,试验A组给予四逆消渴方治疗,试验B组给予四逆消渴方联合耳穴压豆治疗。
目的:本研究观察调中益气汤加减治疗腹泻型肠易激综合征(IBS with predominant diarrhea,IBS-D)的临床效果,通过症状积分进行量化评定等方法探究调中益气汤的治疗效果,以寻求新的治疗方案。  方法:临床选择符合纳入标准的IBS-D患者共60例,随机分为试验组和对照组,试验组30例,对照组30例。试验组给予调中益气汤水煎剂;对照组给予匹维溴铵片,4周为一疗程。一疗程后观察临
目的:1.观察生脉饮联合阿托伐他汀钙治疗糖尿病心肌病气阴两虚证的临床效果。2.探讨生脉饮联合阿托伐他汀钙对糖尿病心肌病大鼠心肌的保护作用。  方法:1.临床研究:选择符合糖尿病心肌病气阴两虚证患者60例,按随机数字表法分为两组,对照组、治疗组各30例。两组均给予常规对症治疗,对照组在常规治疗基础上给予阿托伐他汀钙片(立普妥)20mg/d;治疗组在对照组治疗的基础上,给予生脉饮口服,两组治疗期均为1
目的:  研究和探讨通腑法对脑出血急性期胃肠功能障碍的临床疗效,通过胃肠症状评分、神经功能缺损评分对比观察,做出客观、系统的评价,为临床治疗脑出血急性期胃肠功能障碍提供新证据。  方法:  将符合标准的60例患者随机分为常规治疗组30例和中药干预组30例,两组均予相同的西医综合治疗,中药干预组在辨证施治的指导下予调胃承气汤颗粒剂冲服。两组均进行为期两周的治疗,于入组当天治疗前、治疗14d时进行中风
目的:  探究鱼腥草挥发油和新鱼腥草素钠的体内外抗肺癌活性及其诱导A549细胞凋亡的相关机制。同时改善鱼腥草挥发油易挥发,生物利用度低的不足之处,制备包封率符合要求,长效缓释的PEG修饰鱼腥草挥发油脂质体。  方法:  本研究首先采用MTT法检测鱼腥草挥发油和新鱼腥草素钠对A549细胞的增殖抑制率。采用FITC-AnnerxinⅤ/PI双染法检测新鱼腥草素钠对A549细胞凋亡的影响,PI单染检测新
恶性肿瘤是目前严重威胁人类生命健康的头号疾病。表观遗传学在恶性肿瘤发生和发展的作用以及围绕其相关调控靶点的药物研发,已经成为抗肿瘤药物研发过程中的一个重要领域和分支。而在表观遗传学的众多成员中,组蛋白修饰无疑是最为热门的研究方向之一,组蛋白修饰在转录调控、基因组完整性和染色体稳定性方面发挥着重要作用。作为组蛋白赖氨酸去甲基化酶中重要一员,组蛋白赖氨酸去甲基化酶5B(Histone Lysine D
肿瘤靶向药物的成功离不开对治疗靶点作用机制的深度认知。组蛋白赖氨酸特异性去甲基化酶1(LSD1,Histone Lysine Specific Demethylase1)是2004年发现的首个组蛋白去甲基化酶,可去除H3K4、H3K9的单双甲基及部分非组蛋白赖氨酸的甲基。已报道LSD1在前列腺癌、肺癌、乳腺癌、脑癌等多种癌症以及血液病中高表达,是多种癌症的潜在治疗靶点,目前已有多个LSD1靶向药物