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In this paper, the crystallization behaviour of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films is investigated using differentialscanning calorimetry), x-ray diffraction and op
In this paper two different types of feedback control technique are discussed: the standard feedback control and the time-delay feedback control which have been
We have found phase separation in La0.45Sr0.55MnO3-δ (LSMO) by means of electron spin resonance, magneticforce microscopy (MFM) and magnetic measurements. Ferr
We show that incoherently coupled grey-grey spatial soliton pairs can be established in guest-host photorefractive polymers under steady-state conditions, provi
In view of interacting boson fermion formalism, a microscopic sdIBM-2 +2q.p. model is used to describe theground-state band, β-band, γ-band and two-quasi-par
A multistage adaptive higher-order nonlinear finite impulse response (MAHONFIR) filter is proposed to predict chaotic time series. Using this approach, we may r