
来源 :兰州大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sotry
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County financial development is the main driving force of county economic development. With the development of marketing, our country’s economic construction has achieved remarkable results, urban economy and living standards have been substantially improved, meanwhile, the urban-rural gap has been growing. Strengthening county economy and promoting regional harmonious development have been the solution of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" issues, and been the difficulties and focus in building a moderately prosperous society.The paper analyzed the imbalance development of county economy in Gansu province, which mainly rely on weak industries and lack the necessary financial support. The paper also indicated that the development and reform of county economy were the main force to promote the development of county economy, and the reform was imperative. Based on introducing financial development theory and financial constraint theory, the paper elaborated that financial support was the main factor of restricting county economic development, and whose development need the rapid development of the financial industry. The paper defined the concept of county economy and financial support, and elaborated the relationship between them. Then the paper pointed the problems of county economy and financial support in Gansu province, analyzed the reason, and finally proposed some related suggestions of improving the county economic development.
【正】 在关于马克思主义异化理论的研究中,马克思的异化思想同黑格尔、费尔巴哈的异化观的关系是一个重要而又复杂的问题。过去,一些西方学者往往把它们彼此等同起来,借以歪