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Based on non-maximally entangled four-particle cluster states,we propose a new hierarchical information splitting protocol to probabilistically realize the quan
A transmission-type tungsten disulfide (WS2)-based saturable absorber (SA) is fabricated and applied to passively Q-switched Nd∶YVO4 laser.The WS2 nanosheets a
In this paper, we explore how to estimate the phase damping parameterγ and the tunneling amplitude parameter?from a spin-boson dephasing quantum model by perio
First principles calculations were used to explore the structural stability, mechanical properties, and thermodynamic properties of LaT2Al20 (T =Ti, V, Cr, Nb,
We experimentally demonstrated a diode-pumped Kerr-lens mode-locked femtosecond (fs) laser with a self-frequency doubling Yb∶YCa4O(BO3)3 crystal.Sub-40 fs lase
番茄(Lycopersicon esculentem.Mill)是重要的蔬菜作物。产量育种是番茄育种的重要目标之一。已有的研究表明,野生的番茄资源存在增加产量的高产基因,利用这些基因对于拓宽番茄
The small amplitude dust ion-acoustic double layers in a collisionless four-component unmagnetized dusty plasma system containing nonextensive electrons, inerti
We theoretically study the field-free molecular orientation induced by a three-color laser field.The three-color laser field with a large asymmetric degree can