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棉花产量、纤维品质等性状都属数量性状,由多个基因控制,易受环境影响,加上棉花纤维品质和产量间存在负连锁的关系,利用常规育种方法改良棉花纤维品质进展非常缓慢,很难满足生产和市场的需要。利用分子标记技术可以寻找与产量、纤维品质等性状QTL紧密连锁的标记,对产量、纤维品质进行标记辅助选择,可以大大提高选择效率,加快育种进程。本研究以陆地棉新陆早7号与海岛棉苏K202(品系)的杂交F2 ;3后代的183份家系为研究材料,以筛选出的多态性SSR引物对183份家系进行扩增,获得标记型数据,结合
A modified alteating direction implicit algorithm is proposed to solve the full-vectorial finite-difference beam propagation method formulation based on H field
In this paper we present a new simple controller for a chaotic system, that is, the Newton-Leipnik equation with two strange attractors: the upper attractor (UA
A complex optical model potential modified by incorporating the concept of bonded atom, which takes into consideration the overlapping effect of electron clouds
The two models of three-level (one upper level and two lower levels, or two upper levels and one lower level) atom embedded in a double-band photonic crystal ar
In this paper, we propose a scheme for transferring an unknown atomic entangled state via cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). This scheme, which has a success
A new model in nonholonomic mechanics, the Rosen-Edelstein model, has been studied. We prove that the new model is a Lagrange problem in which the action integr
On the basis of two-parameter formula of weak surface coupling anchoring energy of nematic liquid crystals proposed by Zhao et al recently, the general torque e