脱口秀的人际意义——以Nightline Face-off为例

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This thesis mainly analyzes the interpersonal meaning of a TV talk show under the framework of systemic functional linguistics. The talk show selected is an episode from the program Nightline, Face-off of ABC news, the theme of which is "why cant a successful black woman find a man". It develops among three parties: the host cooperated with an expert, the female panel and the male panel. Since there are two panels discussing about the topic, I also named the talk show as debating talk show to distinguish it from the other talk shows. The temporary roles set in the debating talk show and the concerned topic about gender and race make the talk show quite typical in terms of interpersonal meaning. The relationship between the discourse and roles (both temporary role and social role) is the clue for the whole analysis.  The thesis is concerned mainly about the interactive pattern and the attitudes among the speakers in the talk show. Under the framework of speech functions proposed by Eggins & Slade, the interactive patterns are drawn, classified into three categories, the ones between the host and the panelists, within the panels and between the panels. Another focus of the analysis is the attitudes embedded in the discourse. With Martins appraisal theory, the attitude is analyzed in terms of affect, judgement and appreciation. Many excerpts are selected for the analysis and some general characters of interpersonal meaning are found. For instance, the host and the expert usually choose the neutral expression to avoid bias; the panelists tend to give their opinions on behalf of the general gender group; the female panel and the male panel tend to hold different opinions towards each other, etc. The whole analysis of interpersonal meaning reveals the relationships between discourse and roles in the debating talk show.
研究波斯细密画的角度很多,本文关注的是波斯细密画的构图。构图研究本质上是形式研究,它是研究波斯细密画的内容及主题的基础,也是目前国内该领域研究亟待探讨的课题。  本文
现在流行用关键词表达一种思想,阐述一个主题,引导一股潮流,提示一些线索。2011年,在家电行业,哪些关键词是《家电科技》及其读者需要特别关注的和需要加以利用的呢? Now po