Becoming a Successful Manager in International Business&Negotiation Environment in China-Cultura

来源 :南京大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iloveyouguoran
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This research grew out of not understanding Chinese culture when I got first time to China to study Master in Nanjing University.I wondered a lot and I tried to understand some behaviors,then I thought it would be necessary to research the implications of cross-cultural issues,because I wanted to imagine how a foreign manager is working in an international joint-venture in China or is doing business and for that he/she has to be ready and a successful one,but not without understanding the cultural differences.Therefore,I had the idea to write my master thesis about cross-cultural issues related to business management and negotiation.The goal of this research is to reveal cultural differences in management and negotiation styles in China and Western managers,as well as describe novel research findings in cross-cultural issues.After having lived one year in Germany,in between my master studies,where I had the opportunity to use a wide literature related to crosscultural studies,and to interview both Western and Chinese businessmen and managers who have spent many years in managing and negotiating for several well-known national and multinational companies.After getting back to China I have done a few interviews as well,but that was not easy.Most of interviews were done by meeting the people face to face.In addition to that,I had also the opportunity to take into consideration some case studies,and some observations during internships,and during some business dinner-meetings.Special thanks are due to the contributions of my wife,Claudia SILA,whom I met initially in Nanjing,Mr.Chen,my professor who let me working in a total independence;the way I love to work with,my classmate Guo Zeng Ke,my boss Mr.Yan,while my internship in his company in Leipzig,and all people who contributed to this work.Keywords:Managers and Cross-cultural issues,cross-cultural management and communication,culture,language,international business negotiation,collectivism versus individualism.
一、背景与现状    全国约有70%的地区参加了21世纪新课程实验,教师是课改试验的具体执行者,且目前又没有什么模式和方法供参考。为此广大大学体育教师应充分发挥自己的聪明才智,结合实际进行灵活多样的试验。然而大学体育教师的专业知识、能力主要是在专业院校学习时获得,主要以技术课程为主,理论课程为辅。导致体育教师技术上“一专多能”,而教研科研能力较差。致使课改中大学体育教师大多数不能探索出符合实际的正
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