Study of Energy Transition Process and Performance Optimization for The Modular Micro Thermophotovol

来源 :江苏大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kathy052
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The increase of micro and nano devices has led to the miniaturization and multi-functionalisation of micro-mechanical, communication, imaging, sensing, chemical analytical and biomedical devices. The devices so mentioned above need power sources that are portable, have short charging time, longevity, high energy density and are environmentally friendly. Chemical batteries hitherto used to be the major power source for these devices but have a drawback of having low energy density. The energy density of the most improved lithium-ion battery was in the region of 0.2 kWh/kg. Another problem of chemical batteries is the mode of disposal, which pose major environmental concern. They also have long charging time. Combustion based power generators have been proposed as alternatives to the chemical batteries by taking advantage of the high energy density of hydrogen and hydrocarbon fuels. These combustion based micro-power generators have energy densities of about 12 kWh/kg, which is way above that of chemical batteries. The major concern is the conversion of the vast chemical fuels into electricity in an efficient manner and in the millimeter scale.
  The Micro-Thermophotovoltaic (MTPV) as an example of a power generating machine which uses thermal energy to heat the outer surface of the micro-combustor and other components such as the optical element and the TPV cells. The thermal energy is obtained from the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels in the combustor and as a result, electricity can be generated when photons with high energy reaches the TPV cells. The MTPV as compared to other power generating devices have the advantages of having no moving parts and easy to assemble. By modifying the structure of a previous planar combustion system, a novel porous media based MTPV system is proposed in this work. Methodical researches have been carried out through experimental and numerical analysis, and some achievements with scientific significance and values have been obtained as follows:
  1. The links of energy conversion was investigated for the planar MTPV system. These include heat transfer and combustion coupling process, flow, radiation process of the combustor’s outer wall and the photoelectric transformation process. Based on the non-uniformity of temperature distribution of the walls of the combustor, a three-dimensional energy transition computational model was constructed through combining the software of Fluent and Matlab which described the whole transition process of chemical energy to electricity. The model was validated with experimental results.
  2. Porous media combustor was designed with the dimensions;length–15 mm, width–10 mm, height–1 mm and wall thickness of 0.5 mm. The influence of key parameters on porous media combustion were numerically investigated and the results showed reduction in combustion efficiency when inlet velocity increased. The average wall temperature decreased with increase in the solid matrix thermal conductivity.
  3. Using a micro combustor with micro pin-fin arrays inserted, it was observed the fins widened the region of combustion and extended the blow-off limit in the combustor. The fins exerted great influence on combustion as flow rate increased and thus improved the temperature distribution of the wall. The combustor with fins possessed higher heat flux in comparison with combustor without fins. There was combustion stability at inlet velocity of 4 m/s making the micro pin-fin array configuration ideal for MTPV application.
  4. Influencing factors on the performance of the MTPV system were investigated and it came up that, increment in cell temperature decreased the forbidden band whiles the cut-off wavelength increased. Variations in temperature of the TPV cell caused the output power to decline by 35%. For any 10 K increase in cell temperature, the cell efficiency and power output reduced by 7%and 0.14 W respectively.
  5. The effects of changes to key parameters of the system were investigated. The distance between the outside wall of combustor and the TPV cell was fixed at 1 mm. Variation in distance from 1 -6 mm between the outside wall of the combustor and the TPV cell caused a reduction of 13.75% and 1.4% in radiation heat transfer efficiency and TPV cell conversion efficiency respectively. An increase in the mixture flow rate from 300 mL/min to 1800 mL/min caused an increase in the radiation heat transfer efficiency, TPV cell conversion efficiency and the total system efficiency. As the flow rate increased, the system’s power output also increased. At 600 mL/min, the output power was 560 mW but rose to 3.2 W at the flow rate of 1800 mL/min. The cooling load of the system showed a linear growth as the flow rate increased. At 1800 mL/min the cooling load of the system was 12.4 W which is three times the cooling load at 900 mL/min.
  6. The entire PMC arrangement recorded power output of 2.7 W and power density of 0.72 Wcm-2. In the case of the combustor with micro pin-fin arrays, the output power recorded was 1.94 W and the power density was 0.54 Wcm-2.
  7. The MTPV system was optimized and incorporating frequency selective filter and emitter into the system witnessed an enhancement in the system output power and efficiency.
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[摘 要]线上教学是疫情下的另一种教学方式。无论是线上教学,还是线下教学,最终的目的都是要达到最好的教学效果,从而让学生受益。这就需要教师做好前期准备,扎实教研,有效教学,不断思考,进而关注学生在学习过程中的思维发展,这样的学习才更有实效性。多样的作业形式可以调动学生的积极性,在巩固新知的基础上,培养学生的思维。另外,将信息技术融合到教学中,是对教学的一种促进。教师跟专家学习新的教育理念,对于教学
[摘 要]绘本中插图精美,语言精炼有趣,隐含着丰富的内容和情感,深受学生的喜爱,因此,很多教师把绘本引入到课堂教学中。教师要提升自己对绘本阅读的鉴赏能力,用敏锐的眼睛捕捉绘本的精彩语言和写法。在绘本读写结合教学中,教师应给予学生适当的方法指导,引导学生理解绘本的语言,发掘书中表达的特点,对学生进行语言表达训练,使学生渐渐形成良好的语感,提升读写水平。   [关键词]绘本;构思;创意;表达   一、
[摘 要]小学生在数学学习过程中,是很难从根本上杜绝错误的,因为犯错本身就是学生数学学习的重要组成部分,是学生加强自我反省和走向成功的重要阶梯,但换个角度讲,“错误”也是取得进步必须交付的“学费”,是一种重要的教育资源。因此,在小学数学教学实践中,数学教师要重视对学生数学错误的分析和归类,引导学生做好错误发现、反思、纠错等学习环节,实现小学数学教学中“错误”资源的有效利用,促进学生的查漏补缺以及知
[摘 要]校本作业的核心任务是教师通过设计高效的作业减少学生的作业量,将学生从题海中解救出来,减轻学生的课业负担。校本作业的设计包括课前、课中和课后,设计时要根据实际教学内容的需要,布置一些口头或实践性的作业,既能让学生达到及时巩固课堂所学知识的目的,又能拓宽学生的学习空间,增加语文学习实践的机会。因此,要从校情、学情出发,以学生为本,凸显“四性”,精心设计校本作业,让学生在趣、异、行、创中求知,
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摘 要:针对工程教育专业认证范式下教学研究型本科院校材料成型及控制工程专业实践教学面临的新问题,提出了科研项目驱动的实践教学新模式。在实践教学环节中,将教师的科研或工程项目与实践教学相结合,提炼与课程目标相吻合的实践教学内容,设计并优化适应新内容的考核模式,重点培养解决复杂工程问题的能力。教学实践表明,该实践教学模式有助于提升学生的创新实践能力,为培养高素质的创新型人才开辟了一条新的途径。  关键