
来源 :华中师范大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:keenkingzhu
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This document tries to expose the performance factors of the Senegalese Micro,small and medium sized enterprises(MSMEs)involved in the internationalization of their business in China.Indeed it is based on a case study of ten of these micro-enterprises that trade and ship in Guangzhou.This empirical research is interested in their organization and management,their internal resources,as well as the business environment in which they operate.  Conducted under the qualitative approach,this exploratory research enabled to highlight two categories of forces that affect to some extent the performance of the Senegalese MSMEs operating in Guangzhou.They are called"encouraging factors"and"discouraging factors".  The main findings on the factors that are favorable to the performance of those Senegalese small businesses in this Chinese metropolis are the accessibility of suppliers in Guangzhou,the importance of stockholders equity of the operators,and their experience and business network built both in Senegal and China.However,at the same time some limiting forces are revealed to be restrictive for those micro enterprises to achieve better performances in China.They include the high cost of living in Guangzhou,the constraints related to the visa in China,and the constraints related to the shipping towards Senegal.  Essentially the recommendations made with respect to the managers suggest that they improve the management level,invest in business diversification,expand their business network in Senegal,ensure the rent by group(in Guangzhou),and finally to consolidate their customer relationships.For future researches on the performance factors of overseas businesses in China,it is suggested to develop better strategies to collect quantitative data from the operators,to conduct focus-groups with different actors,interview some failed operators to get the reasons of their bankruptcy,and interest in small businesses in other Chinese commercial cities.
创伤已成为危害国民健康的最主要问题之一,其病死率已跃居疾病死亡谱第三位,仅次于肿瘤和心脑血管疾病[1].创伤也是全球40 岁以下人群的首要死因[2].大出血是创伤患者入院后
班集体的建设与管理是我们班主任工作的永恒主题,而建设一个有特色的班级,引领班级每个成员朝着共同的方向努力,用特色来引领班级,形成团结互助,积极向上的学习团体,促进学生健康成长,是我们班主任梦寐以求的愿望。  这个愿望无疑是美好的,可是静下心来仔细想想,又有多少教师能真正达到。日复一日,年复一年!仔细回味一下,好像每一天都是平庸度过,或者说几年中都没有什么大的改变和收获,唯一收获可能就是不断攀升的年
教学设计就是我们通常所说的备课。备课,顾名思义,为上课做准备。  备课是个“藏宝库”,它诱惑着教师强烈的寻宝欲望,它隐藏着高效教学的全部秘密。“台下十年功,台上十分钟。”“功在课前,效在课上。”一辈子,一堂课;一张纸,一支笔;一生辛劳,一生热爱。苦也备课,乐也备课;败也备课,成也备课。  一、备课的误区  笔者对学校教师备课存在的问题进行了深入的了解和研究,归纳起来表现为:  1.时间仓促。教师在