Association between MTHFR A1298C gene polymorphism and head and neck cancer risk: a meta-analysis ba

来源 :中华口腔医学会全科口腔医学专业委员会全国第三次全科口腔医学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lianjinling27
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  Objective: The associations between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) A1298C gene polymorphisms and head and neck cancer risk have been conflicting.We therefore performed a meta-analysis to derive a more precise relationship.Methods: Ten published case-control studies were collected,Odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence interval (CIs) were used to assess the association between MTHFR A1298C pol ymorphism and head and neck cancer risk.The Sensitivity analysis and publication bias also were performed to guarantee the statistical power.Results: Overall,no significant association between MTHFR A1298C polymorphism and head and neck cancer risk was found in this meta-analysis (C vs.A: OR=1.04,95%CI=0.87-1.25,P=0.668,Pheterogeneity<0.001; CC vs.AA: OR=1.07,95%CI=0.70-1.65,P=0.748,Pheterogeneity<0.001; AC vs.AA: OR=1.06,95%CI=0.88-1.27,P=0.565,Pheterogeneity<0.001; CC+AC vs.AA: OR=1.06,95%CI=0.86-1.30,P=0.571,Pheterogeneity<0.001; CC vs.AA+AC: OR=1.02,95%CI=0.69-1.52,P=0.910,Pheterogeneity<0.001).The similar results were also been found in succeeding analysis of HWE and stratified analysis of ethnicity.Conclusions: In conclusion,our meta-analysis demonstrates that MTHFR A1298C polymorphism may be not a risk factor for developing head and neck cancer.
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