Solar-based Pre-Heating and Pre-cooling of Buildings to Reduce Overnight Energy Demand

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arigadordor
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  This research investigates dynamic control of the interior temperature of buildings, which are largely heated or cooled using solar energy.This can match heating demands to availability of solar energy,reducing demand for non-solar energy.In cold climates, where hcating is required, the simplest approach is to maintain a constant temperature overnight.The alternative lets the building cool naturally (setback), and raises the temperature in the morning (setback recovery).This uses less energy over 24 hours, but requires a high peak morning demand.Solar heating can provide the peak required for setback recovery after sunrise,whereas overnight heating requires non-solar energy.Therefore setback is often used in buildings with solar heating systems.In China, east and west facing walls receive almost as much radiation as south facing walls.Thus panels on east facing walls are used for morning setback recovery.Panels on west facing walls are used to pre-warm the building, in the period before sunset, allowing a comfortable temperature to be maintained overnight.In hot climates, cooling (air conditioning) is required.The hottest part of the day is in the afternoon, when solar energy is available to power air conditioning systems.However, thermal time-delay results in high temperatures after sunset.Pre-cooling can be adopted.In the afternoon, the air conditioning reduces the temperature to the lower end of the comfortable range.After sunset, the building heats naturally, while the exterior temperature is high, then cools as the exterior temperature falls overnight.This approach shifts the peak energy demand to before sunset, so that solar photovoltaic panels on the west facing walls can provide the energy required.In each case-heating and cooling-the effectiveness of dynamic temperature control was assessed by simulations, comparing the non-solar energy requirement with a baseline, in which a constant temperature was maintained overnight.
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